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About Me

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I am a stay at home mom with four fantastic little ladies. I am Canadian but immigrated to the US almost 2 years ago. My family is my world, outside of that there isn't much to tell. I love Jesus, snow storms, warm blankets, cooking and baking, writing, trilogies, Jim Henson anything, sudoku, board/video games and being organized. Random I know but it sums me up best.


A Different Kind Of Story

I know all of my posts are about the craziness of my kids.  They are stories that are true blue daily occurrences.   I really love writing these stories but I also love to write other kinds of stories.  I have written a few short children's books.  No one has ever read them but I would like a little feedback.  I think.  I'm a little nervous but I'll start with my shortest.  Its a very short, young children's book.  With a deep breath here it goes....eeek!  Be gentle with the well welcomed feedback. 


My Daddy has magic kisses you see,
I know because one day I fell and scraped my knee.
He picked me up and held me tight
Then kissed my scrape with all his might.
With a smile he said "Is it okay?"
And just like that the pain went away.

Another day I bumped my head.
A big kiss, a hug and a book we read.
Suddenly I didn't feel sad,
In fact my head didn't even feel bad.

I seem to get hurt a lot,
When putting on my shoes, I ran but forgot.
Tripping over my laces that were untied.
Big tears came that I just couldn't hide.
Daddy came running and wrapped me in his arms.
At the touch of his kiss I knew there was no harm.

So you see no matter what bruises or bumps come my way
Daddy's magic kisses blow them away.


Writing It Down

Since starting this blog I've been keeping a notebook close by.  I have been making sure to write everything down.  And I know the girls will love being able to read all their stories when they are older.  Here is the past week or so at our house.

Bella hurt her toe and said "Is Mario in Emma's class?  He can fix my toe??"  Next line from her was "Princess Peach come my house?"

Emma was being kind and helping the girls with their coloring.  Addisyn being obsessed with death said "What if Emma dies?"  I told her that Emma wasn't going to die but if she did she would go to heaven and that we all will some day.  Addisyn said "But what if I get hungry?"  I said "God will have a feast for us."  Emma completely freaks out and says "GOD IS GOING TO EAT US!"

Last night we all watched a movie together.  Bob tells Bella "Yup 'Cats Can't Dance'"  Bella looks up at him and says "Umm Cats walk."

I was washing some bedding and Bella cries "Oh no Momma not the blankets!"  Guess she doesn't want anything to be clean, kinda like her face. 

I go to the school each week to help with reading centers in Emma's Kindergarten class.  So here's the back story to this one.  I have been taking new meds for my epilepsy which are making me talk a little goofy.  I can't seem to say the right words and when I do get something out it is completely wrong and usually insane.
So back to the story.  I was sitting in our small group that Emma just happened to be in that day.  I told the kids "Just a few more mittens before recess, let's finish up."  I tried to plow through it and hope none of them noticed my blunder.  But of course one little boy said "Did you say mittens?"  I smiled and Emma says in a real grown up way "Oh her medicine makes her mess her words up."  I tried to not be embarrassed by my mess up or by my six year old covering for me.

Going through the drive through Bob said "Pepsi please."  Bella said "No, Appie Juice please."

Still at the drive through (where kids always act up), Addi was sitting by Molly and in a goofy deep voice says "Hey you with the long face, what you talking about."  As if this wasn't funny enough Emma had to get in on it and says "And you with the short face too."

Girls got slap bracelets tonight.  Emma was behind me and said "I'm gonna slap your butt."  I said "I don't think so."  She puts her hands on her hips and says "How come you and Daddy can spank me but I never get to spank you?"  I just shook my head.

Bob got me a jewelry box for Valentine's.  Addisyn and I were taking it out of the packaging and looking it over.  We opened the drawers and one of those little gel packet things was inside.  Addi got real excited and said "Oh look someone left you a message." 

We were telling the girls some stories one night like 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf', 'The Three Little Pigs', 'Henny Penny', and so on.  Bella let out a big growl and Daddy said "Are you the big bad wolf?"  She said with glee in her voice "No I Baby Bad Wolf."

Bob had to go to Wal-Mart this morning while he was in town today.  He asked Bella if she wanted to go, just a her and Daddy morning.  When she heard Wal-Mart she said "No monster store."  We laughed at her not liking Wally World.  After he left she said "Daddy go to Dollar store?"  I told her no he was just going to Wal-mart.  "Oh no big monster store, baby monster dollar store."  I think we may need to try Target for awhile.

Leaving Grampa's house the mad dash to find 'the NUK' was on.  Whoever found it got a dollar.  Grampa found it but put it on the couch for one of the kids to find.  Addi found it first and got the dollar.  On the way home she ripped it in half.  I said "Oh no Addi ripping money is against the law."  Emma got worked up and said "I never seen that on law street, what will we do."  I have no idea what that meant.  Addi whined "I don't want to go to jail."  I said "Oh no if you rip money your big sister has to go to jail."  Emma yells "NOOOOO!"  We teased back and forth for a bit and then Emma said "The police should have cameras on everyone all the time and when Addisun rips money an alarm will go off (in her best alarm voice) "RIP ALERT, RIP ALERT, RIP ALERT."  I think we better find Addi some tape.

After bathtime Bella had her finger in her ear.  She has a scared look on her face and said "My ear ripped."  She was pointing to the inside ridge in her ear (I'm sure that's not what its called).  Then she ran over before I could explain and says "Peanut's ripped too."  When I explained everyone's was the same she was relieved to know her ear was okay.

Bella wanted a sipper cup of apple juice so I got it for her.  Addi runs out wanting the same thing.  I got a cup out but she wanted a sipper.  When I told her she was too big for one she said "The Bible says Addisyn is NOT to big for a sipper."  I must have missed that scripture.

At supper we had rice, corn, General Tsos' Chicken and egg rolls.  I set the table and called the troop.  Addi walks to her spot and says "Umm I didn't order this."  Guess that means no tip for me.

Another in store adventure.  While getting our groceries Addisyn and Emma were walking about a foot behind me, arm and arm laughing their heads off.  Emma would get this deep man voice and say, "Excuse me Ma'am do you know where your children are?"  Then Addi would say in a tiny baby voice "Where's my Mommy."  They did this four or five times before I told them to cut it out before I got in trouble.  :)  But it was nice to see them being friends and not just fighting sisters.

Last night was another sleepless night.  Addisyn was the only one who didn't wake up.  About midnight I heard footsteps running to the bathroom.  I didn't think to much of it because the big girls will often get up to pee and trot back to bed.  I waited to hear the footsteps back but they didn't come.  I thought someone must have fell asleep on the pot so I got up to investigate.  I find Emma sitting in the dark with her eyes half open using the bathroom.  I said "I thought you fell asleep" as I turned on the light.  Barely keeping her head up, feet dangling above the floor and not even looking at me she groggily says "Who was our 16th President?"  Luckily I had read her Weekly Reader and smartly answered "Abraham Lincoln."  She finished up and then her and Honest Abe went back to bed not to wake again til morning.

We've been watching 'My Name is Earl', which you must know the back story of the show to get this.  Addisyn loves it, I'm terrible I know.  Anyway, today she runs in with a Valentine with scribbles on it and says "Momma I crossed Bella off my list, she was number one."  She's awesome!

A requirement for being a mother of girls is being subject to little girl make-overs.  These consist of lotion from toes to elbows, make-up spread unevenly on face in all the wrong spots, tons of plastic jewelry, wands and crowns, pretend curled hair and tons of hair clips.  The list goes on.  Some would call this play time, I call it motherhood.  I'm too afraid to upload today's make over picture but it was fun for all.  My spa treatments.  :p

So that's my week so far.  We'll see what tomorrow brings.


The Status of Ladies

I have stopped writing little stories about the girls and just updating my Facebook status with the little funny things they say.  Well I have decided to stop doing that and just making a blog.  So I have gone back and got all the statuses I have made in the past year and a half.  I still laugh at them when I go back and read them.  This post is all about just that, all my past Facebook statuses.  Here we go, starting back in June 2009.  Some are not in order but I did my best.

On Father's Day we went out for lunch, Daddy's choice.  We went to a new Chinese restaurant were several other of our church families were there.  Our pastor being one right beside us.  To paint this picture I have to say that people stop us all the time to tell us how cute the the girls are and if they are twins and so on.  It's nice but I love that people think they are sweet but sometimes it can be an inconvience when you are trying to feed three children.  So this woman just stopped and stared at them saying how cute they were over and over and we were trying to eat.  She stood there for like 5 minutes or more just watching us and... Emma looks and says 'Wow you have a big belly."  She still stood there I think waiting for me to say something, then walked away.

Always a treat to take them out, note sarcasm :)

We are the people you hate to have sit beside you at a restaurant.

I have decided that taking our children out in public is going to be put on hold...today...sitting in Denny's with another table beside us only divided by a small rectangle of glass and a half wall...Emma kept looking over and saying (very loudly of course) 'Are woman supposed to have beards???" Couldn't even look up at what or who she was talking about just scolded her harshly under my breath...sigh...Needless to say this repeated comment from Emma totally distracted from Bella yelling 'POOP' at the top of her lungs and the other girls laughing at her.

Emma, she said "Momma, when we had lunch today we didn't say the prayers." Then she quickly said them and looked back at me and said "Just in case" How cute.

Emma asked if she could choose between 'a whippin' or seeing the Christmas presents' my answer was neither...lol

Emma and Addi are all dressed up as princesses and Bella dressed as a monster 'roaring' at them and chasing them all around that house.  How delicate.

Still smiling about last nights conversation with her little ladies. Emma was asking a lot of questions about Heaven and what repentance was. After everything was explained Addisyn started to pray 'I'm so sorry I'm so sorry Strawberry Shortcake." I said "Addi we don't pray to Strawberry Shortcake, only to Jesus." She replied "Oh Momma but I love Strawberry Shortcake, oh alright."

I love my children...Emma prays for supper 'Thank you Jesus for this food, bless it to our bodies, help Daddy get the job he really wants, help Mommy push it out with no pain, Bella to not be bad and Addi to not throw up, AMEN!" That girl can pray. LOL

Emma quote of the day "PLEASE can I stay up later....I'll give you a quarter!"

fought hard to get the girls to bed tonight, ugh, but Emma never fails to deliver a laugh when needed. After she was asleep for a bit she woke up suddenly and ran downstairs to say and I quote "Momma, I'm scared, I had a dream I was a little tiny baby and came out a PEANUT and someone covered me in BUTTER (she hates butter) and thought I was peanut butter and ATE ME!" HOW DO I NOT LAUGH?
She came down this morning and told me the same dream again only this time she added 'But they spit me out and said "Eww tastes like kid.'"

Addi found the feather duster, Bella likes to strip down to nothing and run around....Momma finds Bella in the buff with a feather stuck between her cheeks...what to do first; laugh or throw out duster???

Addi was rubbing the baby bump and says 'Oh Momma your belly is getting bigger!' Emma wanted to be involved in the conversation and adds 'Yes Momma your eyes too!!" lol

Emma has a fever, vomiting, headache and needed some Tylenol. I just opened a new one and Emma was looking at the box, it had pictures on it for what it covered, fever, coughing, runny nose and what not.  Emma slams the box down and in her whiniest voice says "Momma it doesn't even take care of growing up!  "I laughed and she said "Momma I'm very serious!"  She just came out and said 'I am shutting off my birthdays, they are cancelled. I do not want to grow up and have to live somewhere else."  Not sure what all this growing up stuff is about but she's keeping me smiling.  Its really bothering her tonight. Then she said 'Momma I don't wanna get old like you.' Nice!

The girls must be feeling better, they are 'preforming' for me. A minute ago it was a skit from when Satan tempts Jesus in the desert. Now they are taking turns reading me stories.  Emma playing Satan.

Emma is so cute. She just ran up to me to say 'Please Momma don't fall for any of the devils tricks.' Kids are smart :)

Really off my game today.  Should know better than to think Bella being quiet.  To think she is finally being good.  She was upstairs in Momma's room mixing and spreading her concoction of Daddy's dry skin cream, Momma's RX ointment and cocoa butter.  On the floors,on Momma's bed, on the basket of 'clean' clothes...oh and all over her. Her skin is so soft now.  Just found the phone, and she was playing with it. Its been off the hook for 53 minutes. RAH. And its not even lunch yet.

Amazing Race. Emma wants Heidi and Joe to win because Heidi is Momma's sister's name. She yelled "Momma Heidi is gonna win ONE MILLION DOLLAR!"'

During supper tonight I told Emma to find her cup and that she wasn't getting a new one. Her reply "I think you have gas Momma." I said "What? Why?" "Well cause you are a little bit grumpy."

Watching her belly dance. Wished, hoped and prayed for one calm child, but alas, not a chance!

The girls asked to hear some music from when Momma was a girl. Let them dance to a little Garth, Travis, CCR and of course 'Fishing in the Dark', then we watched the Tracy Byrd video 'I'm from the country', Emma thought it was great that I was from the country and wondering if I knew those people they were all so nice.

I love how Bella can now run into the room in the morning, then tap me on the head and say "Momma, me stink!"  Oh how they grow.

Emma came out to tell about an episode of 'Tom and Jerry' and knowing which one she was talking about responded with "Oh yes I know, I used to watch Tom and Jerry when I was little." Emma says "Yes but now its in colour!"  Smarty pants!  And she's only 5.

I wonder if anyone knows what you get when you put a fully dressed two year old, Momma's secret stash of almond kisses, and half a bottle of citrus shampoo in the tub.....for me it was a very long drawn out temper tantrum because I only washed her off and didn't give her a second bath.

Trying to explain to Emma why SpongeBob doesn't have a soul.

Grampa brought over some 'REAL' maple syrup, not as Emma puts it 'the Mrs Butt's stuff'.  She's the real deal.

Just spotted Emma digging fruit snacks out of the corner table drawer (still in bag folded over so neatly) and said "What I just have one a day."

Addi asked today 'Momma when you were a little girl did you watch the chicken cross the road?'

Was in the kitchen with the girls dancing in the rainbows the prisms were shining on the walls as the sun filled the windows. Emma yells "Oh I love prisons.' Just what I mother wants to hear."

I wonder what to do when her 2 year old screams like a boy crazed girlie teenager every time Phineas and Ferb come on...its started already!

I have the equation to a GREAT work-out. 37 weeks pregnant woman + 15 steep stairs + sleeping 30lb toddler....oh wait that's the equation for a crazy woman who wants a hernia. My bad...sorry.

I think its pretty bad when Pamela Anderson has the most clothes on...come on! And I only watch cause the girls like to dance with them. Emma said "Oh cover your bum."  (Dancing with the Stars)

First of today Addi, says to me like she is so proud she accomplished something this morning "Momma I have no more boogers in my nose!" Gonna be one of those days...

I had two kidisms yesterday. #1- Emma in the van driving by the big cemetery in town says "Wow I had no idea so many people got dead."  #2- Addi getting her hair done for pm church service looks in the mirror says "Oh I look like an angel, AND Aaron is going to get to see me like this." (Aaron=cousin) So we have the class clown and beauty queen...lets hope Bella or Peanut are most likely to succeed. :D

I think we should have a show on TLC. Addi last night says to her Daddy while cuddling on the couch; "You know Daddy I love you more than sharks!"  Nothing says love like rows of sharp jagged teeth!!

Emma being such a big girl and helping pregnant Momma. Then after her being in the kitchen for few minutes she runs in with her 'CHOCOLATE SANDWICH' that is Texas toast and a thick layer of frosting.  It's the thought that counts right.

So Molly may be brand new but that doesn't mean she is free from Emma-isms. Last night Emma lets out a big sigh and says "I thought Peanut would have white skin like us not pink." Sometimes I think I would love to crawl in her mind and see all the things she thinks.

I'm getting excited to take my baby home today. Although Daddy tells me Bella is NOT happy about baby...to quote her "NO BABY!" This should be interesting.

I just love the joys of mother-hood. I've been peed on, pooped on, puked on, snotted on, hit, scratched, bit, kicked, jumped on, cried at, whinned at, kissed, hugged, loved...today! The lasts ones make it worth it.

Emma hates the idea of butter.  My sister was talking to her on the phone one night and told her that she told her Mom to put butter in her food when she wasn't looking and she said "MY MOTHER DID THAT TOO!!!! IT WAS REALLY MEAN!!! I DON'T LIKE BUTTER!!

My parents came to visit from Canada to meet Miss Molly.  And I think it was the hardest goodbye yet. Emma asked 'Nanny couldn't you stay for 20 more months?' When Nanny said she had to go home Emma replied with 'Okay then, how about 30?  We all miss them.

You know you live in Wisconsin when your kids play eye spy like this; 'I spy something that....smells like cow poop.'

Today Emma told Bella to get in a box and she tried to close it on her and kept saying 'Bella duck your head so I can send you to Abu Dhabi.' Someone has been watching Garfield.

The other day Emma drew a picture of her grandfather (Bob's dad) and he had all this hair on top. Well Bob's dad has more of the hair around the bottom and not on top. He said 'That isn't me I don't have hair' Emma said 'Yeah you do, its on your back.'

This is for my sister: Making supper plates up for kids and Emma hides her face in her arms while I do it. When I asked what was wrong she said 'I don't want to see you put butter on my food, I know you do it.'

Bella was holding Molly with Momma's help, and baby starts routing to nurse. Bella being a seasoned mother lifts up her shirt to feed her baby.  I quickly intervened but it was funny, even when Bella got mad at me for feeding the baby crying and yelling 'My baby!' Luckily, Elmo distracted her.

I was singing Molly to sleep when she realized why she wakes so often ... LULLABIES ARE SCARY. She's probably dreaming of falling out of a tree and big spiders and how nothing Momma's buys her will be any good. Poor thing, no wonder babies fight sleep so much.

I was doing my Wii Yoga this morning, Emma by my side. The lady says 'Can you feel the muscles in your thighs?' Momma: 'I can feel it in my calves', Emma: 'And I can feel it in my chickens!' Trying to hold the pose and laughing my head off Emma says 'What? You said calves.' (as in baby cows)  She always has something to say. After this I said to her 'You are ridiculous" She said with a smirk 'Don't you mean hilarious'

We went to Walmart last night and it got a little too late to go over and visit Gramma and Grampa.  Emma got a little upset and exasperated she yells 'I SPEND HALF MY LIFE AT WALMART, RAH!'  She has a valid point.

I was talking on the phone to Bob about the church's event today 'Everyone's Birthday' where they are celebrating all the kids birthdays today (neat idea huh). Like 2 hours later Emma says 'Is it my birthday too?' I looked at her funny and said 'No.' She got all upset and said 'Then its everyone's birthday but mine.'  I felt horrible and then told her the party was for everyone, even her.  Kids hear everything!

I hate the honesty of children because just when I have myself fooled....Emma ruins it. She found my new license and says 'Man you're right Momma they DID make your face look chubby.' Sigh....

We were at my in-laws last night and getting ready to leave when Emma busts in the door and says 'We need to come inside those mosquitoes are giving us nipples all over." As we all double over in laughter she says 'What? they are little and round and look like them' Funniest moment of the week!

We had a tornado come through our little town.  About 2pm it got so dark the street lights came on and it looked like we were inside a car wash from the house. Emma got so afraid says 'I think its the end of the world. I'm upset I hope Daddy gets home soon' Addi realizing she should be upset (we had no power) says "I'm upset too,  I can't watch TV". Then Bella gets right in my face and says 'Momma I scare too'

It was raining hard this morning on the way to church and when we passed a barn with four silos (one on each corner) and Addi yells 'Oh look a CASTLE!' That's a Wisconsin castle!

Today I have stripped all 6 beds plus the crib, have only one clean fitted sheet on my bed Bella walks in looks at me and....throws up on it. Then takes off not sick at all. And that's the kind of day I'm having.

I had my camera smashed and broke by Bella today and was quite upset. So my sweet Emma goes and gets her Yard Sale money bag and hands me a hand full of dollar bills and says 'Here Momma go buy yourself a new camera." How sweet!

When my parents were here with my nice they were 'DNA' testing all the stuffed animals to make sure they can enter their club. Kids are funny and pick up on EVERYTHING!
Oh did I mention the DNA testing stick is a play curling iron. HAHAHA!

We had fortune cookies after supper tonight for everyone. Emma's said 'You will spend old age in comfort and material wealth.' She turned her nose up and said 'Here Nanny I think you should have this one.' This could have been kind but I think she was hinting that Nanny is old.  Poor Nanny.

I can't believe how much kids are like their parents. Last night at supper Emma and Addi were telling Chloe numerous pointless knock-knock jokes. Then Chloe says 'Knock Knock' (who's there) 'Annoying'...'And its both of you!!" ROFL Miss my sister.

I love when kids say sweet things without being prompted. Emma asked me if we could have a bake sale in our front yard to raise money for 'the children', meaning kids less fortunate than her. Now I have to cause how can I say no to that. What a good kid, maybe there is a little bit of me in her after all.

Emma has decided she needs to watch the Packers today. So I told her if she likes Packers she is a chessehead. She says "what if I like the Eagles? Does that make me a salad head?". Lol can't believe my girls are making me watch football.

Kindergarten...man that was rough. We both were a little misty-eyed. Then the teacher said 'I think you better leave.'

Addi doesn't like Emma going to school without her. Its so quiet in the house...oh wait Bella is streaking through the house...maybe won't be so quiet after all.

I wonder if you know what a teething baby plus a curious toddler equals??? Answer: Bella finding the Orajel, squeezing it out all over her hands and sticking her fingers up her nose. Me the great mom that I am, laughed and laughed.

Emma is actually really shy around 'non-family'. But she took her Zhu-zhu 'snowy'. I kept saying 'where did you get Snowy?'. I wanted her to say her Nanny from Canada instead she kept looking at me funny and saying 'Uh Walmart.'

Had an interesting walk home from school. With Molly in the snug sac she decided she should crawl home.  She tried crawling up me the whole way home, funny but uncomfortable.

I swear Emma comes home each day from school acting more like Calvin than the day before.

Can't believe it's 75 degrees out. Addi just asked for sunscreen, October in Wisconsin.

I was talking to Emma about next weeks show and tell, something that starts with the letter M. She says 'Could I bring Molly Meydam, I'll just put her in my locker until its time.'

I asked Emma last night and asked if all her friends at school liked her nails Auntie Bonnie painted for her. Her response; "Yes but I didn't get to show them my 'woman toes.'"  I say 'Your woman toes?' 'Yes they make me feel like a woman" says my FIVE YEAR OLD. Oh Emma....

I don't quite remember what happened this day when I asked 'Who did this?' (whatever it was) Emma says it was Addisyn and Addisyn says it was Emma.  I was so frustrated and said 'I won't spank anyone for doing it I just want to know who did it."  Emma said 'Oh well if you aren't going to spank me,  I did it.'  RAHHHH!

You know you are a mom of lots of small children when someone says 'Is that poop on your shoulder?' and you say 'Could be.' And luckily is just baby food.  This too shall pass.

I was putting in some laundry and heard a crash. I said 'Bella what are you into?' She yells back 'EVERYTHING!' At least she's honest.

I'm starting to hate Halloween. The lady across the street has a little cherub angel she put a scary mask on. Bella keeps freaking out yelling 'BABY MONSTER', last night she could barely sleep cause 'BABY MONSTER SCARE ME.'

Thinks Bella is following in Emma's shoes. Sunday AM on the way to church Bella wanted her Nuk and I told her I didn't have it. She said 'in Momma's purse?'.  No I told her. Then with a grin she says 'in Jesus purse?'

I took the girls to the Halloween parade the other day and a teacher was dressed up as a bunny. Bella took my hand and quietly said 'Momma its Wooby!' Meaning Ruby from Max & Ruby, it was soooo cute.

I took Addi to the doctor to today. White sitting in the quiet waiting area we were talking and she says (super loud of course) 'Momma your breath is stinky, did you forget to brush your teeth this morning??'

So the other day Grampa came over and finished our porch front and back. Looks AWESOME! Emma says 'Grampa is like superman, he's the best, we are sooo lucky.' I told Grampa this and she then says 'Can you fly?' He says 'No.' She then says 'Can you even climb a tree at your age??'  My girl never fails to deliver the funniness.

Driving to get Emma and Addi says 'hey momma there was an old man on the sidewalk and we didn't even hit him.'. I didn't realize that I normally run over senior citizens.

Laughed this morning as before school Emma and Addi were playing and Addi says "Emma let's play leapfrog. You be the leap and I'll be the frog!"

Started this day a little sooner than wanted. The big girls got up with dad and had breakfast (no school). He said 'momma is upstairs with the sleeping babies don't go up and wake them'. So instead Emma decided to take my keys and hit both car alarms. She said she figured the honking would wake us without her going upstairs. I wish I made this up.

Quote of the day (to her children) 'The world is your canvas...just don't paint on my walls' As Bella runs away with a paintbrush in hand.

I grounded Emma for the weekend for being super mean and bossy to her sisters. She asked "what's 'grounded' mean". I said 'It means you can't do anything special or fun this weekend. But if you are nice to your sisters you will be off.' She says 'Hey Addi I guess I'm grounded.' Outsmarted again.

After a long day of cleaning, supper and baths I decided to have a little Momma time and go and read, ALONE. Daddy stayed downstairs and read the girls a bedtime story. I could hear them all giggling and just smiled. Then I came downstairs this morning to find 'Calvin and Hobbes-Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat' Tell me if I'm wrong but Calvin doesn't usually inspire kids to do good things. Lovely.

We were playing Candy Land with the girls and Bella laying on her belly, and not fully understanding the game picked a card and says 'Oh Jeepers!'

Have a sick Emma home from school today. She looks at me and says "Momma I'm cold do you think you could turn the heat up to 70 degrees?" lol What five year says that?

I can't believe all the funnies today, Emma's latest. "Bella is taking my last straw!" I say "What? What straw?" She says "You know, like when you say it's your last straw." She was on the right track...but not quite.

I have a Phinneas and Ferb Emma story. So Emma was being super bossy one night and I said 'Emma you are acting like Buford (the bully).' She gets this evil grin on her face and says 'Hey Addi I guess that makes you Baljeet (his nerd).' Then she chased her through the house yelling 'Baljeet Baljeet Baljeet!' Anyone looking for a bully?

Emma and Addi were playing 'school' so nice this afternoon when Addi leans over to look at a book and Emma says, in a such a calm voice,"Oh Addi don't get too close, I'm allergic to you."

For Thanksgiving the kindergarten class made Pilgrim hats. Emma brought her girl one home yesterday. She was telling Addisyn all about it and said "We pilgrims didn't have an TV's, telephones or anything electronic. AND we lived in black and white." I had to hide my laughter but it was funny.

Was combing Addisyn's hair after her bath last night and she was being dramatic, pulling her head way back and rolling around those big eyes. I laughed and said "You're your mother's child." She stopped, looked at me dead serious and said "I am?" It made me laugh.

Emma just came to me with a crescent and said 'Can you open this?' I got up to go and help. She said 'With whip cream.' I said 'No, not with whip cream, maybe some cheese.' Her response; 'Well, after you open it I'll handle it from there.' Needless to say, she did not get whip cream.

Was helping the girls with the church songs for the play 'Shepperds and Sheep'. One song is called 'Shaggy, smelly sheep.'. Emma says " I'm not singing that cause I'm a sheep and it hurts me, I do not stink!".

Addi was drawing a picture for me this morning. She walks over and says "Look Momma its an animal peeing in a bucket." How sweet of her, eh.

I was cleaning up lunch Addi hadn't eaten much at all. I said "Addi why didn't you eat?" She says "I am going to save it. Save as in for later not like to save someone from falling out of tree." Exact quote, no lie.

Watching 'I get that a lot' on CBS.  Ice-T is coming up and I say "Whatever, no one looks like Ice-T." Emma says "What do I like then, BBQ sauce?"

Bella refused to participate in the Sunday School program because there was no way she would sing 'Away in a Manger'. To quote her "NO, Baby Jesus sleep my bed." She doesn't like the idea that Baby Jesus didn't have a nice bed to sleep in. ;)

Momma: Bella you are not being very nice. You can't be a bully. Do you understand?

Bella: Yes.
Momma: I don't want anymore fighting. Do you understand?

Bella: Yes.
Momma: Are you going to stop fighting and be nice?

Bella: No.

This morning Bella came in the bathroom and yells in her soft sweet voice (actually rough deep voice) 'Momma gimme yer loopgloss sticcc" Typing can't do justice to it.
Presently she is sitting on my lap and the words that just came out of my mouth were 'You can cry all you want but you can't put things up other people's noses.'
It NEVER ends at my house.

Having a blast with the girls running around in a huge 'nerf war'. Bella wanted to play so I gave her my gun and she tried to shoot Emma but her finger wasn't strong enough to pull the trigger so, being Bella, she walks over and pistol whips her.
So today I gave her a water bottle instead. Fun times then she went over and sprayed Molly right between the eyes. No one is safe.

This morning Molly scratched Bella on the belly. She came running to me and in her rough little voice said 'Molly scratch me' with a big frown on her face. I said 'Oh are her finger nails long?' I walked to the bathroom and said 'Well then I'll get the clippers and clip her fingernails.' Looking horrified she said 'Oh no Momma.' She thought I was going to cut Molly's fingers off. She was mad but not that mad.

Well a whole new year of Meydam adventure starts with a bang. Bella runs into the kitchen and points to the bottle of canola oil on the counter and says 'Momma icky apple juice.' Bahaha, some have to learn the hard way.

So a few days ago Emma was sitting at the girls little round table with my snow globe. Addi was sitting across from her and Emma says in a misty voice, "I can see your future (gives the ball a shake) and its snowy."

At bedtime the other night I was talking to Emma and asking if her birthday had been everything she wanted. Then before I left I said (as I always do, to her protest) "I love you to pieces, I love you to parts, I even love your stinky smelly farts." I walked to the door and heard Addisyn sniff and say "What about my stinky farts?" So I had to go back and assure her I love her stinkiness too. You know its really in the little things.

Quotes Emma after her bath tonight in the most dead serious tone 'Momma people who eat garbage get very sick and could die, and they fart too.'

Emma came down in her nighty tonight and said "Momma I'm super twirly lady, Addi is super strong girl and Bella is a super cry baby."

Emma just came downstairs to show me a 'trick' she taught herself...bra in hand she wraps one strap around one foot and the other around her hand and jumps on one foot saying "I think this is a SUPER BRA!"

We got a package from Nannyy this morning...Addi asked 'Did she send us a crocodile?' Not sure if the US Postal service allows that kind of thing to be shipped through ground service...humm?? :)

I just love how Nick Jr has my four year old singing Bob Marley every time I get a little upset "Momma don't worry about a thing....cause everything little thing is gonna be alright..."

Emma told a story tonight after the regular story...her's goes like this "Once there was a big heart, but to his mommy he was really small...so....she cooked him up and had him for supper!"

 Bella jumped out of bed this morning, before anyone else. took off her diaper and poop behind Addi's bed. Definite con for the toddler bed!!

"The Million Things I Never Thought I Would Ever Say"...yesterdays example being 'No I will not pull the van over to pick your wedgie' ;)

Bella- The other day the phone rang and I was jumping around trying to get everyone ready to go out.  I ran for the phone and it had stopped ringing and I couldn't find it.  I yell 'Bella where did you put it?'  'Oh momma I hide it.'  Then I find it behind the couch with my friend on the line laughing at the whole situation of me yelling and her hiding it.

Like said before Bella's new thing is hiding everything.  I put anything down for a second and she runs off with it.  I get pj's for the girls and if it takes them more than 3 seconds to pick them up they are gone.  I am constantly saying 'Where did I put that' and Bella always follows it up with a sweet little 'Oh I hide it.'  I hope she soon remembers where she hid my sanity.

Hubby had to go in the hospital and get a surgery to his esophagus done.  After visiting him the girls and I came home.  After they were all in bed and prayers were said plus a drink, hug and kiss I said we need to pray for Daddy all together.  As we prayed they each put something in they thought should be prayed for.  Emma said 'oh and his neck'  Addi says 'His boo-boo in him throat.'  Bella says 'and his eyes' (he had migraines and a towel on his head because of it) then she added 'oh oh and him arm, big pokey.'  She was so worried about his IV.

The other day Emma and Bella each were eating some M&M's.  Bella dumped hers all out and took Emma's.  Emma came to the kitchen and told me the whole story.  I said 'Well Em you are just going to have to work it out.'  She says 'Oh I'm a fighter, I fought it out.'  I looked up just to see her walking away with the M&M's.

Bella and Addi are in the play room.  I hear crashes and bangs.  Addi says 'Bella are you sure about this?'  Bella 'YES'.  I go in to see what is going on and Addi says 'I wasn't sure about this mess.'

So Addi was singing 'old McMomma had a farm, with a cow cow here and a cow cow there.'  I said 'Addi I don't have any cows on my farm.'  She said 'you know when you get angry and you have cows.' 

The pastors wife asked Emma if Gramma had any chickens on her farm and Emma answered 'Yup but we cut off their heads and ate them.'  Same thing with the cows they were raising.  One day they were just gone and Emma said 'Oh did Gramma take the cows to make steak?'  Farm girl through and through.

At Christmas time this year (2010) Emma came to me with the biggest frown stroking her plush doggie.  She said 'Momma that lady said millions of dogs and cats are dying.  We need to save them.  You need to call that number.'  I love her sensitiity but I don't think I can save all the dogs and cats in the nation.  Sorry.

Bella brings me her Zhu Zhu pet and says he is broke.  I told her that he wasn't broke just his batteries were dead.  She said 'He dead?'  I said 'No just his batteries'  She took a sigh of relief.  Once I changed the batteries she hugged it and said 'oh baby I missed you."  I spent the next ten minutes bringing several hamsters back to life.

While watching TV a commercial for the EDT home security pendant in case you fall or need help.  Usually something older people would use.  Addi looks over at me and says 'Momma you should get that in case you fall down the stairs.' 

We bought the game 'Don't break the ice' for Christmas.  Bella took the box and dumped out all the contents and ran to Daddy and yelled 'Daddy I broke ice.'

I told Bella if she gave up the NUK for good she would get a big treat.  She hands me the NUK and in her rough voice demands "Give me treat, huh!"

While watching the football game Emma had to watch she says the most girlish thing "Man baseball is boring."

So after Bob's surgery on his throat Emma went to school and told her teacher that Daddy was in the hospital.  The teacher asked what had happened and Emma said "Oh he had a chicken in his throat."

Heidi bought the girls tu-tus form Disney and Bella jumps around, twirls, bends to put her legs up 'fancy.'  She keeps yelling 'Look, look at me,  I a bina-rina."

Having a tighter shirt on one day with a padded nursing bra on I had some interesting remarks from the girls.  Sitting at the table next to Addisyn she starts poking them saying "I like yer boobs."  *blush*  Then I was in the bathroom putting on makeup when Bella jumps up on the toilet and starts poking me and says "Like boo-boos, like a cow, Moooooooooo"

At supper the same night Bella would eat supper and we said that if she didn't eat she couldn't go see her aunt 'Noni'.  She says 'Noni like a chicken, BOK-BOK.'  Then puts her hands in armpits and flaps while clucking.

Emma was driving me nuts one day and I said the thing you tell yourself you will never say when you have kids. "I brought you into this world and I can take you out."  Emma tilts her head and says "How?"  Guess that didn't work.

Last night in the tub I had all the girls with shampoo in their haid piled up on the their hands. Emma looks at Addi and says "Addi you look like Justin Bieber."  Addi had a puzzled look on her face and said "And you look like Justin Fever too."  Neither even know what he looks like.

Daddy picked Emma up from school today and she was so excited she runs out to him and says "Oh Daddy, guess what, the Warthog didn't see his shadow."  Good thing cause I don't think Pumba is much of a winter pig anyway.

They celebrate the 100th day of school here.  We got a project to do of gluing ten groups of ten of small items on a big paper.  Small things like paper clips and chocolate chips.  On the way out, in the hallway I was telling Emma about what the teacher had told me about the 100 day project.  She stopped dead in her tracks, eyes bugged out and loudly proclaims (in front of all other parents)  "I HAVE 100 HOMEWORKS!"

Only at our house do you go to get ice from the ice machine and find that a lipgloss has plopped into your cup.  Nice!

Last night while laying with Bella she did not want to sleep.  So I was saying her prayers for the second time.  I prayed "Lord help Bella to have no bad dreams or bad thoughts.  Give her sweet dreams of unicorns, butterflies.."  She interrupted me with 'AND NUKIES!"  We'll never get that thing away from her.

On the way home from church Addi lets out this big long put-put toot.  I say "Addi was that you tooting?" She says "no it was just my bum making bubbles."

Putting the girls to bed Bella wanted to sleep with Emma.  Emma didn't want to because the tooth fairy was going to visit her that night.  Addi wanted to sleep with Bella but Bella didn't want to.  Then Addi got her feelings hurt and cried.  When I asked Bella why she didn't want to sleep with Addi she said "I scared of Addi's eyeballs."
However, they all crawled into one big bed and snuggled all night.  New one for them. 

Walmart-  The most dreaded trip of all for us.  The girls are always bad.  Bob usually holds Molly and pushes one cart while I restrain Bella in another cart and both have to continually say 'Don't touch that' to the other two.
Bella got a lopgloss (to keep her quiet mostly) which was all over her, me and the cart.  Fun.
Finally got to the check-out, which is the worst part.  Trying to get everything out of carts and rangle the four kids plus keep them from stealing all those check-out aisle goodies.  (Which I think are evil tricks of those big companies). 
Our cashier was a younger guy with shaggy hair.  Bella looked at him and says loudly (of course)  "Daddy, where him eyes?  He have eyes Daddy?"  Hair cut I needed I think.

Then I move her and the big girls over to a bench off to the side.  I am trying to play a game with Bella to distract her from screaming.  I said "Where are my eyes?"  She points to them.  We do nose, ears, etc.  Then I hear a thump-thump.  I look over and here are Emma and Addi with their gloves on, boxing.  Laughing they were saying 'Where are your eyes" thump thump in the eyes.  "Where is your mouth?"  Thump thump in the others mouth.  Funny thing is there were no tears.  Hey who needs boys.

Going to church has been getting really hard.  The girls, mainly Bella, are so insanely crazy its hard to control.  So I was tightly holding Bella to keep her from running all over the place and she takes her hands, put them on my face, squeezes and licks me form chin to forehead.  Lovely.

Having a rather bad day I said to Bob "Do I look old?  Look at these bags under my eyes."  Addi looks up and says "Momma you are the Queen of old."  :(  How sweet.

Bella loves to stand over the floor grates to feel the hot air blow up.  The other day she says 'I peed".  Standing over the grate a nice warm breeze and she peed right down the hole.  I don't think she meant to but it was a lovely mess.

Emma lost her first tooth and of course was super pumped.  Addi hid and cried because she was so worried her teeth were going to fall out.  Bella walks to Bob with fingers on her teeth saying 'Take my teeth out.'

We have only been letting Bella have her NUK at night.  This is not going over well with her.  I you've ever seen the commercials about getting your settlement money faster and they say "IT'S MY MONEY AND I WANT IT NOW!"  So Bella asked Bob for her NUK and he said no.  She scowls and and yells 'IT'S MY MONEY AND I WANT IT NOW, MY NUKIE!"

On the way home tonight Emma was sitting next to Molly.  Molly let out a little squawk and Emma says 'Touche Molly, touche."

Emma says to me last night "Momma did you know that at night there is a security guard at our school.  Yeah he is there to make sure no one breaks in and steals our scissors."

*For right now that seems to be all I can think of.  I know this was long but I had to write it all out.  For me if not anyone else.  Like I said these go back to June 2009 to last night.  I'm sure there will be many more posts to come.  Happy reading. 


Giggles from Girls

Its been a while since my last post so I thought I better update.  Lately we have been having sick times and busy times but the girls never seem to let that get them down.  Here are a few of our stories.

One day Emma came out to the kitchen where I was doing the dishes and with a long face said; 
Emma: Bella took my M&M's cause hers are gone.
Momma: Well work it out.
Emma: Oh no, I'm a fighter, I fought it out.
She walks away with her bag of M&M's in hand.

Addisyn is my little worry wart.  She is horrified about death.  She talks about us or her dying all the time and how she doesn't want to die.  One day she said "Momma if you die tomorrow I'm really going to miss you."  Then another day she says "Momma if you die who is going to make supper?"  Poor muffin, she's going to be gray worrying.

I told Bella if she gave up the NUK for good she would get a big treat.  She hands me the NUK and in her rough and tough voice demands "Give me treat, huh!"

Since Kindergarten started Emma has become a Packer Fan (I think it is required to attend a public school in Wisconsin).  After green and gold day she had to watch the big game.  I told her to be a Packer fan means she is a cheesehead.  She says "What if I like the Eagles?  Does that make me a salad head?"  (Grampa thinks maybe a birdbrain).

Then while watching the game she said the most girlish thing "Man baseball is boring."  That's my girl.  Now hockey, that's a different story.

Bob had to have a tracheotomy recently because of his narrow esophagus and having food stuck in it.  Long story, anyway, Emma went to school to tell her teacher all about it.  Mrs.Hart asked me later what happened because all Emma said was "Daddy is in the hospital, he had a chicken in his throat."

My sister Heidi bought the girls tu-tus from Disney and sent them to us.  The girls love getting packages in the mail.  Bella was so excited she had to put it on right away.  She was jumping around, twirling, bending her legs 'fancy'.  She yells "Look, look at me.  I a binarina, binarina."

I was wearing a tighter shirt than usual one day.  Plus still nursing I was wearing a padded nursing bra.  This perked some interesting remarks.  Sitting at the table for supper Addi starts poking them saying "I like yer boobs."  (Think there is a little bit of Daddy in her.)  Then I was in the bathroom putting on makeup when Bella jumps up on the toilet and starts poking them.  She says "Like boo-boos, like a cow, MOOOOOOOO!"

At supper that night, I Bella was on a farm theme.  She would not eat her food.  I said "Well if you don't eat you can't go see Noni"  (her aunt Naomi).  She says, with hands in armpits flapping "Oh Noni, like a chicken, bok-bok."  And the more we laughed the more she clucked.

Emma was driving me nuts one day, and I said the one thing you tell yourself you'll never say when you have kids.  "I brought you into this world and I can take you out!"  Being Emma she looks at me puzzled and says "How?"  Nothing works with her.

One night coming home from shopping the girls were just full of the giggles.  Everything was funny to them.  Anyway, somehow they started talking about grandparents and great-grandparents.  Addi asked about her great-great-great-great grandparents and where they were.  Emma stopped laughing and said in a matter of fact voice "No Addi they're all dead."  They sat in silence for a moment then the giggles started all over again about something totally different.  I think I am going to hate slumber parties when they get older.

Last night in the tub I had all the girls crowded in there to get it done fast.  I had them shampooed up with their hair piled on top of their heads.  Emma looks at Addi and says "Hey you look like Justin Beiber."  Addi wasn't sure about this but said "And you look like Justin Fever too."  They really don't know who he is but it was super funny.

The other day Daddy picked Emma up from school and she was so pumped, she said "Oh Daddy, guess what.  The Warthhog didn't see his shadow."  I was worried because I don't think Pumba could handle much more winter.

They celebrate the 100th day of school here.  We got a project of gluing ten groups of ten of any small things (paperclips, choclate chips, etc) to a big paper.  As we were leaving school that day I was telling Emma about this.  She stops dead in her tracks, bugs out her eyes and loudly proclaims (in front of all the other parents)  "I HAVE 100 HOMEWORKS?"

Only at our house do you go to get ice out of the fridge ice machine and a lip gloss plops into your cup.  Emma trying to hide it from Bella.

My Mom sent the girls some Valentine's and treats.  Bella opens her card and really mad she yells "Hey!  Where's my lip gloss?"

Last night while laying with Bella she did not want to go to sleep.  So I was saying her prayers with her for the second time.  I prayed "Lord help Bella to sleep all night long with no bad dreams or bad thoughts.  Give her sweet dreams of unicorns and butterflies..."  She interrupts me with a loud "AND NUKIES!"  We'll never get that thing away from her.

These are our recent stories.  I will soon post some past funnies.  I hope you enjoy the insanity of my life.  :)


A Song and A Few Laughs

April 26th-
On our trip Wisconsin we were stopped at a gas station late one night in Utica, NY and Bob had gone in to pay while us girls sat in the van. It was real quiet while we were waiting for him to return when Emma breaks in a little song she wrote herself. I wrote it down to get it just right.  It goes like this 'Oh God couldn't You get that growing pain in my foot. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. I would like that, like lots of good people would. Gotta do what ya gotta do. The End' There was no particular tune but it flowed together so easily.  I think she might have a future in song writing, what do you think?? :)

After her song was over and I stopped snickering it got quiet again and then Bob opens the door and Emma yells 'Oh Daddy you crapped the scared out of me!' It was a good stop, I laughed the whole time.

May 14th-
We had made an appointment to view the house before we bought it and of course the girls were with us. They had gone all through the house with us, the backyard, up and down the stairs, they just loved it. Emma crawls into the van and starts digging. She finds a quarter and takes off. I find her with the real estate agent hand out, quarter in palm, she says 'If I give you this will you let me live here?' It was SO cute but I think the real estate agent could have paused at least a second before she said a firm 'NO'.  Emma was disappointed but we got the house anyways, however, not for a quarter.

May 27th-
Addi and I were going up stairs the other day and we were trying to make a race out of it. I said 'You better run Addi cause Momma is gonna beat ya.' She says 'Stop Momma' and as I stop she looks at me and hauls off and punches me and said "I beat you first!" LOL I meant I was going to win not BEAT her but she didn't take it that way. Made me laugh after I told her not to hit Momma.

We had spaghetti for supper the other night and my girls LOVE noodles. So we were all sitting at the table enjoying supper when we looked over to see Bella completely orange and cross-eyed. She had somehow got a noodle stuck on her forehead hanging down her face in the shape of a question mark. It was so funny. But the best part was she knew it was there and was trying to pick it off. However, because it was right on her nose she couldn't see right where it was. She kept trying to grab it and her little finger would miss and go right up her nose. She did this over and over and instead of helping her we sat there and laughed and took pictures. It eventually fell off but not until we all got a good laugh at her.

More Funny Business

February 9th-

Bath time-
I was filling the tub with lots of warm water and bubbles for a filthy Bella. Addisyn saw the bubbles and wanted in too. This wasn't a big deal so I told her just wait til I got the tub all ready. I put Bella's tub ring in and called to Daddy to bring in the baby. When he came he put the baby in then pulled her right back out exclaiming that the water was too hot. I said that it wasn't and had tested it over and over with my hands my elbows the whole nine yards of bath water testing. lol. I put lots of cold water in just to please him and in walks Emma. She put her little hand in the water as if she would settle the matter. She looks up at me and says "He's right Momma that is hot!" I gave her a hard narrowed eyed stare and she pats my hand and says 'Its okay you can be right tomorrow!"

February 11th-

Bath time-
Another bath time tale...last night I put the girls in the tub with a stern warning to NOT GET WATER EVERYWHERE. They love to play for a little while in the tub with all their pirate ships and ducks so I always let them but they splash so much I have to wear hip waders just to get in to wash them up. lol. So I told them if they got water all over the floor they would be in trouble. (Idle threats I know, but sometimes they work). I come in a few minutes later to find, of course, the bathroom soaked. Emma looks up with a huge smile and says "Sorry we didn't obey, it was an accident." I said in my best big momma voice 'Do you know what happens to little girls who disobey?' Addi looks up and shrugs her shoulders and I said again 'Do you know what happens to little girls who disobey?' With those blue eyes just dazzling Addi says 'Nothing!!" Emma shakes her head then hangs it low and says so sadly "Nope, a butt whipping" HA! I hid my smile and let them off with a warning.

February 12th-
Emma walked into the kitchen asking for a snack and I was putting dishes away so I pointed to the oven and said "lunch is cooking." She didn't like the idea of waiting. You see Emma is my sweetheart but she also is very impatient and quite greedy at times, so I've been trying to teach her to be patient and thankful. When she started to complain I said "Did you know Emma there are some little girls and boys who won't have any lunch today because their parents don't have any food to give them. You need to be thankful that we have food." She looked up with these big sad eyes and I thought I may got through to her and she says in a very sad low tone (not snotty at all) "Some little girls can't wait for lunch to come out of the oven, did you know that?" I simply smiled and said lunch will be ready soon.

Bath time-
Again, its bathtime, she must get inspired in the tub I'm not sure. But anyways, I gave my usual 'don't splash around warning' and moments later my bathroom is submerged. So Emma wouldn't sit down and she soaked me this time and I said (not in my nicest tone) "Emma sit down you aren't a frigging seal!" She looks up at me and said "What's a frigging seal?" I calmed myself and explain what a seal was. I turned to go out and put the sopping towels in the hamper and she said (to Addi this time) "I don't want to be a frigging seal, I want to be a big duck!"

February 13th-

I was doing some much needed primping this particular afternoon and sitting next to me on the couch was Emma. I was plucking my eyebrows and when I thought I had got them just the way I wanted I looked at Emma and said "What do you think?" Her honest answer was "You should keep going they still look angry to me."  So I keep going to give them a softer curve. lol


We were getting the girls ready for bed and I couldn't find Addisyn, so I went on the mad dash to find her and then I heard water running. It freaked me out for a second but when I flung the bathroom door open and found her on her step-stool in front of the sink I calmed down. I actually had a good laugh because she was standing there yelling "You stop! Stop! Water Stop!" She had the faucet on washing her hands and couldn't figure out how to turn it off and thought telling it to stop would work. Luckily I got there when I did because it was half an inch from over flow!

I had the girls in bed and nursing Bella to get her to sleep and she was just about out, eyes closed, snoring softly then she suddenly sits straight up looks me square in the eye and lets out the biggest raspberry and instantly collapses back into my arms and goes to sleep. It was so comical but I didn't dare bust out laughing in fear of waking her up.

February 20th-

Addisyn was on the potty and I was sitting on her footstool next to her (coaching her) and she was saying that I had lips and she would point to mine then she had lips and she would point to hers. Then she went to the nose, ears, eyes and then ran her finger across my eyebrows and I said "Eyebrow" and she felt her faced and screamed and said "I can't find mine!" She makes me laugh.

I hadn't been feeling well so Emma and Addi thought they should 'doctor me up'. I laid on the couch as they covered me up with a blanket, gave me a pillow and a stuffed animal to cuddle. Emma placed her wide headband over my eyes so the light wouldn't bother me (she does this herself almost every night, light or no light). So they worked on me with all their doctor set stuff checking my temp. and listening to my heart. Then suddenly I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my forehead and yelled out. I pulled the headband down and no word of a lie the first thing I see is Addi with a big smile, a hand saw (toy of course) in one hand and a hammer in the other and she let out this big "Muahahahahaha" laugh (its her new thing) and Emma was up at my head with her screwdriver taking the screws out of my head. lol. I said "Oh my you are cruel" Emma answered "That's cause we are evil doctors, bet you wish you had good nurses now!" I laughed so hard. They kinda went about doing a few things and then Emma listens to my heart and says very straight-faced "I hate to be so serious but there is darkness in your heart." I'm getting a second opinion!

March 2nd-

The other day Emma was trying to console Addisyn about her potty training telling her that big girls used the potty. Addi seemed to take it all in and actually told us all day on Sunday when she needed to use the potty with minimal accidents. So on Monday when Addi had decided she had enough with the potty I said "Emma you should go talk to Addi again about using the potty." Emma thought it was her big sisterly duty to do so and off she went. She sat Addi down and said "Addi you need to use the potty like me, big girls don't poop or pee in a pull-up, oh and one more thing (in her best Thumper voice) 'If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." I think she is picking up on my tricks to insert ideas whenever and wherever possible.

March 4th-
Emma just walked up to me and says "Momma I have to tell you something' as if she would burst if she didn't say it right then. I said "What is it Em?" With the biggest wide eyed stare she could give me she says 'Last night I found a FREE Walmart!" lol She knew this would interest me, that's my girl.

March 8th-

I was cuddling Addi and Bella on my bed and I asked Addi for a kiss. She instantly said no so I pretended to cry and she says 'Oh don't cry Momma, dont' cry' and leaned over and gave me a kiss. Worked! Then I asked Bella for a kiss and she just looked at me like I was nuts, so I gave the big fake cry again and she bent over to me and took her tiny little fingers and pinched my lips closed as if to say 'that's enough Momma.'

March 10th-

We were in the van driving home from Walmart and Emma asks why the snow isn't melting. And I said "Oh its melting honey see all the big puddles.' She then asked how it was melting and I told her that the sun was melting it. She was so happy she looks out the window and says 'Oh thank you, you big good golden sun!" This morning she jumped out of bed ran to the window and said "Is the snow all gone?" Someone is a little excited for spring to get here.

Bella is a year old now and has only said "Mama" once, on her birthday. Last night Bob and her were sitting in the rocking chair and he asked me to get him something for the baby and I (sitting on FaceBook) said 'Yup just a minute', well a few minutes past and he said "Ang could you get me, whatever it was, and I said "yup just a minute' again he says "Ang" a few more times, I was a little preoccupied but intended to get it. Then all of a sudden Bella yells "An..An...An...' couldn't get the G out but I knew what she was doing. And it worked too cause it got me on my feet pretty fast.

March 12th-

Play date-
Normally my notes are only about my girls but this is a note from play date that couldn't be left unwritten. Once a week we have play date with anywhere from 5 to 10 kids, usually all girls. We play, we eat, we fight, we laugh, we just have a good time together. The kids love to get together as much as the grown ups. So the other day two of the girls, PJ and Alyia got into a little scuffle, and PJ ended up giving Alyia a little love tap hurting Alyia's feelings. Momma P corrected PJ and made her apologize, PJ looks at Alyia with these big puppy dog eyes and says "Sawwry." No response. Again she says "Sawrry." Still no response and she looks up at us and says "It's not working!" We laughed so hard and long that the fight was forgotten and all was happy again. :)

We were all sitting in the living room watching a movie and the power started to flicker. Well it started to do it every 30 seconds resetting everything every time it flickered. Bob and I jumped up to unplug everything and get ready in case we totally lost power. Afterwards we were all on the couches trying to find something to do that didn't require power. So we made up a little game of sing song, well we all sang little tunes and the girls were just loving it, then it was Emma's turn. She started with 'Jesus loves the little children' when she got to the red, yellow, black and white it came out 'Red and Black and white and stripped.' LOL I laughed so hard I didn't hear the rest. Guess she's learned a thing or two from Daddy when it comes to parody songs. :)

March 15th-

Momma's Birthday-
We were getting ready for church and talking about my birthday when I asked Emma how old she thought I was...her response..."Seven!" The wrinkle cream must be working.

We were in church, worship service and our pastor had been speaking on healing and the different ways of healing. Emma had a scratched her eczema open that morning and I had put a band-aid on it. After listening intently to pastor she walks over to me, hands me her band-aid and says "God healed me I don't need this!" That must be why he tells us to come as little children, they just believe.

March 16th-

The girls wanted a movie on so I obliged and put one in, using the Xbox 360 I needed the remote to make it start and couldn't find it.  I looked everywhere and said "Where is that remote, I can't find it" Emma comes out with the solution "Mommy maybe you are just getting old!" That's the birthday wish I didn't want, thanks Em!

March 26th-

We had made our second trip to Montreal for immigration. After many hours of driving and kids fighting we were finally driving in silence for a few minutes. Emma lets out a big sigh and with her head in her hands says 'Will we ever get out of this French world?' Her frustration gave us a good laugh.

Later on that day-

We stopped in River-du-Loop for a well needed Walmart break and found lots of good deals. However, Emma seen the movie Bolt sitting on the shelf and asked if we could buy it. Well the cover was totally in French and I wasn't sure if the movie was French with English subtitles. So just to make sure I told Emma that we would wait til we got back home just in case it was in French. She said 'Oh its ok I can speak Spanish (then super fast said) 'habla, habla, habla'. Gotta love Dora!

One day Emma was asking me the same question over and over and the answer was always no. So she was yelling Momma? and I would answer NO, back and forth back and forth Momma, NO Momma, NO finally Emma says "Ahh you are annoying me!" and she wasn't being mean but it was so funny how it came out of her it took all I had not to laugh and say "Don't say that to Momma...' ...with a big grin on my face.

Emma decided that we needed a potty chair in our room and I just ignored her about it and brought it back down to the bathroom when she wasn't looking. When she saw that it was back down she said
"Momma we need that in our room' and I told her we didn't that it belonged in the bathroom. Then she replied with 'Momma when I gotta pee I gotta pee!"

*We have decided that after living in Canada for five years we were going back to the US where my husband is from.  The process took another year.  Spring of 2009 we made the move to Wisconsin.

Since we haven't bought a house yet we are staying with my in-laws.  We are so thankful and it was great but presents one problem...Emma listens to EVERYTHING Natalee (my 8 year sister in law) says. Tuesday night Emma and Natalee are in the bathroom. Emma yells for me, I walk in to find her sitting on Addi's potty with (picture this it will make it much funnier) white dress gloves up to her arm pits and a wand in her hand. The look on her face was sheer horror. Emma says 'Momma there was this green powerful goo that got on a baby and killed it a year ago. True story!' I then look to Natalee who was standing by the sink and she nonchalantly says "Its the Swine Flu, I heard it on the news." And tosses her braid over her shoulder like she was 35. Then the rest of the night Emma kept sneaking to the bathroom to SCRUB her hands cause 'Natalee says if I don't wash good I could get the Swine Flu and die!!" I laughed and grumbled over this one.

May 12th-
Bella was walking up a storm by now and new sounds are coming out of her everyday. Well this morning I was holding her on my lap sitting in the living room with Gramma and Grampa, and Bella bends way over with my arm around her waist. Just as she bends she lets out a huge toot and she stays bent over and says real low and long 'Uh---Oh" It was so super funny. Even my baby is funny.


Being at my in-laws house there is so much for the girls to explore and find new things. This particular day Emma says 'Momma come here I need to show you something, BUT you can't say 'that's dangerous'". I giggled to myself and said "Okay show me." She takes me to the staircase and grabs the banister and swings her legs around it and hangs upside down. Emma squeals "Isn't this cool? Don't say its dangerous!!" I said "Yes that's cool but you might break it so you need to get down.' See I didn't say it was dangerous. lol

My Emma is a night hawk and not at all an early bird. Being in a new place they are all totally off their schedule. So I went to make Emma get out of bed and no way was she wanting to comply. I kept shaking her and saying "Emma gotta get up." Instead of saying anything she simply, with eyes still closed held up one finger as if to motion 'just one more minute.' I didn't give up though. Finally she speaks 'Momma get outta my bed.' 'Emma this isn't your bed, this is the futon, get up.' 'Fine Momma if this isn't your bed then why don't you go lay on your bed and stop bothering me!" I had a good long laugh and then stood up and literally dragged her out of bed. lol She's so funny.

May 15th-

We stayed up a little late watching movies so then the girls wanted to sleep in Gramma's bed and Addi really had good intentions to do so but alas 30 minutes later she was back. After reading three stories I made her lay back and closed her eyes while I told her a story.  I decided to tell her about Noah and the Ark. I sometimes go a little overboard with the story telling and get into it a bit. Addi is intently listening and taking in all about the flooding of the earth when I said 'The Lord shut the door and it started to drip drip drip, listen (oh it just happened to be raining hard) hear it?" Addi jumps up and says 'Oh Momma I'm scared. It rain." So I had to calm her down and reassure her that God promised to never flood the earth again. She accepted it and laid back down. But it really made me laugh.

A New Year of Mayham

The New Year brings new funnies.  It never seems to end at our house, but that's what makes it ours.  They may be nuts but I love them.  Have a laugh.

January 2nd-

Addi comes out crying and through her sobs I translate that Emma has hit her. When I ask Emma if this was true her response was "Hit Addi? me? Probably...yeah...I did." I think she thought she would lie about it to avoid any punishment but her conscience got to her.

January 3rd-

Today was Emma's birthday! She turned four and we let her pick out whatever she wanted to wear, whatever she wanted to eat, everything was her choice. Her party is next Saturday so we were trying to make it a big day for her cause there was no party but she knew that it was her birthday. So we pampered her all day, and her Nanny and Papa and Chloe came up, it was a great day. So after everyone left and Addi and Bella were sleeping we made a big 'bed' on the floor in the middle of the living room. Bob, Emma and I all curled up and cuddled and watched a movie. I said to Emma "So was this a great birthday?" she answered "Yeah I LOVED it, I think I'll have another one tomorrow!" So I guess we did alright.

January 12th-

I was giving the girls their bowls of cereal and said "Bon Appetit." Ever inquiring Emma says "What does that mean?" I told her it was enjoy your food in french. She says "Oh ok, thank you." I say "Say 'Merci beaucoup'" then she asks "What's 'Mary Go Poop'?" I tried to conceal my laughter so she wouldn't think I was laughing at her attempt and said "'Merci beaucoup' means thank you very much in french.' She replies in a very chipper manner "Oh, well, Mary Go Poop to you!" She'll be bilingual any day now.

Janury 15th-

I was washing the dishes when Emma walks into the kitchen and announces that Addisyn has pooped and I need to change her. I thanked her for letting me know and was finishing what I was washing and drying my hands and asked Emma to grab me a diaper. Her, being the laziest of my children, came up the excuse of "Momma I can't right now, I have the hiccups!"

January 21st-

Bedtime- Normally all my stories are funny but this one is just adorable. So this year I had made a plan (not resolution, cause I won't do it if I put that formal title on it) to pray more with the girls to try and teach them more about prayer. So I say their prayers with them and then I pray for them. I usually hug them or snuggle close in their beds when I do this. So this night I started with Addisyn and then over to Emma. Now these prayers are full of purpose, teach them to pray, the importance of prayer, and also to try and slip in a few 'momma-minded convictions' for my tots.  So I said Emma's prayers then I prayed for her on this particular sassy day; "Lord help her to be the best little girl she can be and not sass her momma or daddy, and help me to be the best mommy I can be..." I continued to pray a little more and as soon as I had finished Emma put her hands on my arms and pulled back, so to be able to fully see me (real grown-up like) and said 'But momma you ARE the best mommy in the world and daddy is the best daddy....he is pretty cool too.' I just melted into her arms and had no words to tell her how happy she had made me, sassy day or not.

January 24th-

Supper time-
This weekend we went down to my parent's to visit. While having supper with my parents, niece and sister, Emma was full of....well Emma.  Emma loves her aunt Heidi, and of course Heidi torments her and they laughs and fight (lovingly) back and forth. So at supper Heidi was teasing her and Emma says "You know Heidi, you are making the devil happy!"  We all had a good laugh but Heidi didn't back down and Emma says "Yup, you're going to be the devil's wife someday!" Honest I didn't teach her to say that, I promise! And I did scold her but after laughing at her it was hard to do.

January 26th-

Bath time-
I had put the girls in the tub tonight and was letting them play for a little while when I heard Addi yell, I ran in to find that she had JUST pooped in the tub. I pulled them both out and Emma says "What? Why are you taking us out?" While I was explaining that Addi pooped in the tub and I had to get them out and clean the tub before they could get in again (shower the second time, lol) she was watching me take the toys out and she yells (almost in a slow-motion sort of way) "NO TOYS, DON'T GO INTO THE POOP!" Funny part was she was dead serious not trying to be funny at all.

I was getting the girls ready to get into bed and quietly asked Bob if he would like to play a game of Parcheesi when they were asleep. Emma bolts across the house and says with an excited tone "I'll play 'Oh Cheesy'."

January 27th-

6 o'clock news-
Tonight I had the news on while getting supper ready and Emma comes into the kitchen in tears and gasping for breath she was so upset. I went to comfort her and asked "What's wrong?" Through sobs she said "That poor woman has nothing." I didn't quite understand until I looked at what she was pointing to, a story in the news about a building with 11 people in it that had burned down. She was crying still saying "Her house caught fire and she doesn't have anything anymore." It was really sweet that she was so concerned.

January 28th-

This note is about my silent genius Addisyn. Although she doesn't talk as much or as clear as Emma she is just as smart. She knows how to get exactly what she wants and if she can't trick you into it she will charm you into it. Last night during supper, linguine, they were told they could have a special treat Daddy bought if they ate ALL their supper. Addisyn loves noodles but loves treats more. So the girls were sitting across from each other at their picnic table and eating along happily and quickly. I was surprised to see how quickly Addisyn was getting through her plate of noodles, so I stopped to quietly watch her for a second. Then I saw her masterminded plan, she would pick up the noodles, lick them clean and drop them on Emma's plate when she wasn't looking. It was SO funny because she thought she was undetected and poor Emma thought she was never going to get her treat. So I fixed up Emma's plate to be just her noodles and afterwards we all had a treat.