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About Me

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I am a stay at home mom with four fantastic little ladies. I am Canadian but immigrated to the US almost 2 years ago. My family is my world, outside of that there isn't much to tell. I love Jesus, snow storms, warm blankets, cooking and baking, writing, trilogies, Jim Henson anything, sudoku, board/video games and being organized. Random I know but it sums me up best.


So it continues

I am going to always just start where I last left off until I get caught up to present day.

November 5th-

We are eating supper and Addisyn won't sit down to eat. She wants to run and play, you know the whole 'I'm two and I'll do what I want to' thing. Trying to keep calm and get her to sit without a fight I say 'Addi you need to sit down and eat your food so you can grow big and strong like Momma' (as I flex my not so huge muscles). She stops to look at me and I start to say it again 'Addi don't you want to be and strong like' I'm interrupted by Emma with 'like a chicken, a big honkin' chicken' as she proceeds to tuck her hands under her armpits and yell 'BOK BOK BOK!' Oddly enough Addi sat down and ate a good portion of her food. Guess she wants to be a big honkin' chicken.

November 6th-

Bath time-

Last night Emma was in the tub and I was in the bathroom talking to her. She says 'Momma, Addi told me that she isn't a human.'  I said "What is she then?" Emma says "She's a duck!" I said "Oh no what are we going to do?" She says "Just have two babies, Addi can live in the RIVER!" She cracks me up.

November 9th-

We had been up with Bella ALL night, she decided to finally fall asleep around 6am. So when the other girls woke up a few hours later we were not in good shape. I had a big headache and so tired. Emma walks up to me looks me in the face and so worried says 'Momma your eyes are breaking' I believe she meant my eyes were blood shot but it made me laugh.

November 11th-

The girls and I were cleaning their room up together and Emma was being mean and grumpy to Addisyn when, before I got to correct her, Addie sticks out her belly and yells 'CAREBEAR STARE!" That was to get rid of all the mean I guess. I just cracked up, Addie doesn't talk clearly yet but that was as clear as a bell. She showed Emma who is boss, for once.

November 30th-

Emma was acting out and I was putting the baby to sleep.  I was getting angry and they know when I count they are to come to me while I attempt to discipline them. I said "Emma I'm going to count to three..1-" She jumped up and says "How about five?"

December 1st-

We were getting ready to go to the Ministers Banquet at church and getting the girls ready to go to the babysitter's. Emma was ignoring us totally and comes in and starts jumping on our bed. I have spoken sternly, counted and yelled and she still won't stop. I took her by the belly saying "Emma we don't jump on the bed!" Her smarty-pants reply was "Momma I'm learning, don't you want me to learn?" She couldn't act more like her father if she tried, I think he is giving her lessons.

December 2nd-

This was more cute, usually the stories are me pulling my hair out while everyone else laughs at how funny they are.  Today Emma runs in while I was on the phone with Bob and says "Momma, I was just sitting down being a good girl and eating my lunch when my tummy says (she deepens her voice and makes it kinda gruff) 'That's mine!'" She cracks me up.

December 6th-

We took the kids to Dairy Queen for lunch one Saturday and Emma always wants to wear a headband. Well she has pretty wild hair and I'm always trying to get it out of her eyes. So I agreed to let them wear headbands but they were the elastic headbands that go all the way around the head. So halfway through dinner Emma says "Momma can I take this headband off its starving my head!" I believe she meant it was too tight but 'starving' has now taken the place of tight in our house as a joke between Bob and I. Just the other day a skirt I used to wear was starving my rear-end. HAHA! Kids are fun.

December 18th-

We are getting things ready for Christmas at the Meydam house, lots of baking, presents, dancing to Christmas tunes and of course lots of Christmas dishes filled with candy. This afternoon Emma came out and I thought 'oh no I'm in for it.' It looked as though she had had an accident, but I knew that wasn't so because she had JUST went potty. Before I said anything she blurted out "Momma can you get this chocolate out of my pocket?" I slightly sighed, thankful it wasn't poo, but confused as to why chocolate would be in her pocket. I started to clean her off and change her when she said "Sorry Momma I was saving it so I could give it to Daddy when he gets home." I couldn't possibly be mad at her because she truly was innocent and had no idea it would melt. Plus the gesture of saving Daddy this special icy square chocolate was precious. I get her all cleaned up and send her on her way and she turns around and says "Oh Momma, Addi saved him one too." Sure enough here comes Addi covered in chocolate.

December 28th-

So I am making lunch for the girls, grilled cheese, and I'm trying to do this quickly and quietly so Emma doesn't discover that I am using butter. (she hates the idea of butter, we tricked her for awhile calling it margarine but she caught on. She likes the taste but not the idea of it so she says she hates butter although I use it in everything, way beside the point so...) I am secretly cooking lunch I have the bread all buttered and in a stack and the cheese in a stack. I just finished one sandwich I turn to grab another piece of cheese and find....three huge bite marks in my stack of cheese. Addi had sneaked up and took a few bites of the pile and I just saw the back end of her running out of the kitchen. That's Addi!

Here I am in the kitchen doing several different household chores at once and I hear... bouncing. I know this noise, I don't even need to go and see I just yell "Girls stop jumping on the bed, we don't jump on beds" My yell is followed by a big deep sigh from Emma and her saying "Addi get down you were jumping too loud and Momma heard us *sigh*"

I was trying to put the girls to sleep by telling them this big long story of a little fairy girl, it put Addi down but Emma wanted to tell her own rendition of it once I had finished. She starts with "This girl popped her boyfriend's head off" I gasp and she quickly says "It's okay she took some ribbons and bows and tied it back on." She had to make it pretty!

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