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About Me

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I am a stay at home mom with four fantastic little ladies. I am Canadian but immigrated to the US almost 2 years ago. My family is my world, outside of that there isn't much to tell. I love Jesus, snow storms, warm blankets, cooking and baking, writing, trilogies, Jim Henson anything, sudoku, board/video games and being organized. Random I know but it sums me up best.


A Song and A Few Laughs

April 26th-
On our trip Wisconsin we were stopped at a gas station late one night in Utica, NY and Bob had gone in to pay while us girls sat in the van. It was real quiet while we were waiting for him to return when Emma breaks in a little song she wrote herself. I wrote it down to get it just right.  It goes like this 'Oh God couldn't You get that growing pain in my foot. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. I would like that, like lots of good people would. Gotta do what ya gotta do. The End' There was no particular tune but it flowed together so easily.  I think she might have a future in song writing, what do you think?? :)

After her song was over and I stopped snickering it got quiet again and then Bob opens the door and Emma yells 'Oh Daddy you crapped the scared out of me!' It was a good stop, I laughed the whole time.

May 14th-
We had made an appointment to view the house before we bought it and of course the girls were with us. They had gone all through the house with us, the backyard, up and down the stairs, they just loved it. Emma crawls into the van and starts digging. She finds a quarter and takes off. I find her with the real estate agent hand out, quarter in palm, she says 'If I give you this will you let me live here?' It was SO cute but I think the real estate agent could have paused at least a second before she said a firm 'NO'.  Emma was disappointed but we got the house anyways, however, not for a quarter.

May 27th-
Addi and I were going up stairs the other day and we were trying to make a race out of it. I said 'You better run Addi cause Momma is gonna beat ya.' She says 'Stop Momma' and as I stop she looks at me and hauls off and punches me and said "I beat you first!" LOL I meant I was going to win not BEAT her but she didn't take it that way. Made me laugh after I told her not to hit Momma.

We had spaghetti for supper the other night and my girls LOVE noodles. So we were all sitting at the table enjoying supper when we looked over to see Bella completely orange and cross-eyed. She had somehow got a noodle stuck on her forehead hanging down her face in the shape of a question mark. It was so funny. But the best part was she knew it was there and was trying to pick it off. However, because it was right on her nose she couldn't see right where it was. She kept trying to grab it and her little finger would miss and go right up her nose. She did this over and over and instead of helping her we sat there and laughed and took pictures. It eventually fell off but not until we all got a good laugh at her.

More Funny Business

February 9th-

Bath time-
I was filling the tub with lots of warm water and bubbles for a filthy Bella. Addisyn saw the bubbles and wanted in too. This wasn't a big deal so I told her just wait til I got the tub all ready. I put Bella's tub ring in and called to Daddy to bring in the baby. When he came he put the baby in then pulled her right back out exclaiming that the water was too hot. I said that it wasn't and had tested it over and over with my hands my elbows the whole nine yards of bath water testing. lol. I put lots of cold water in just to please him and in walks Emma. She put her little hand in the water as if she would settle the matter. She looks up at me and says "He's right Momma that is hot!" I gave her a hard narrowed eyed stare and she pats my hand and says 'Its okay you can be right tomorrow!"

February 11th-

Bath time-
Another bath time tale...last night I put the girls in the tub with a stern warning to NOT GET WATER EVERYWHERE. They love to play for a little while in the tub with all their pirate ships and ducks so I always let them but they splash so much I have to wear hip waders just to get in to wash them up. lol. So I told them if they got water all over the floor they would be in trouble. (Idle threats I know, but sometimes they work). I come in a few minutes later to find, of course, the bathroom soaked. Emma looks up with a huge smile and says "Sorry we didn't obey, it was an accident." I said in my best big momma voice 'Do you know what happens to little girls who disobey?' Addi looks up and shrugs her shoulders and I said again 'Do you know what happens to little girls who disobey?' With those blue eyes just dazzling Addi says 'Nothing!!" Emma shakes her head then hangs it low and says so sadly "Nope, a butt whipping" HA! I hid my smile and let them off with a warning.

February 12th-
Emma walked into the kitchen asking for a snack and I was putting dishes away so I pointed to the oven and said "lunch is cooking." She didn't like the idea of waiting. You see Emma is my sweetheart but she also is very impatient and quite greedy at times, so I've been trying to teach her to be patient and thankful. When she started to complain I said "Did you know Emma there are some little girls and boys who won't have any lunch today because their parents don't have any food to give them. You need to be thankful that we have food." She looked up with these big sad eyes and I thought I may got through to her and she says in a very sad low tone (not snotty at all) "Some little girls can't wait for lunch to come out of the oven, did you know that?" I simply smiled and said lunch will be ready soon.

Bath time-
Again, its bathtime, she must get inspired in the tub I'm not sure. But anyways, I gave my usual 'don't splash around warning' and moments later my bathroom is submerged. So Emma wouldn't sit down and she soaked me this time and I said (not in my nicest tone) "Emma sit down you aren't a frigging seal!" She looks up at me and said "What's a frigging seal?" I calmed myself and explain what a seal was. I turned to go out and put the sopping towels in the hamper and she said (to Addi this time) "I don't want to be a frigging seal, I want to be a big duck!"

February 13th-

I was doing some much needed primping this particular afternoon and sitting next to me on the couch was Emma. I was plucking my eyebrows and when I thought I had got them just the way I wanted I looked at Emma and said "What do you think?" Her honest answer was "You should keep going they still look angry to me."  So I keep going to give them a softer curve. lol


We were getting the girls ready for bed and I couldn't find Addisyn, so I went on the mad dash to find her and then I heard water running. It freaked me out for a second but when I flung the bathroom door open and found her on her step-stool in front of the sink I calmed down. I actually had a good laugh because she was standing there yelling "You stop! Stop! Water Stop!" She had the faucet on washing her hands and couldn't figure out how to turn it off and thought telling it to stop would work. Luckily I got there when I did because it was half an inch from over flow!

I had the girls in bed and nursing Bella to get her to sleep and she was just about out, eyes closed, snoring softly then she suddenly sits straight up looks me square in the eye and lets out the biggest raspberry and instantly collapses back into my arms and goes to sleep. It was so comical but I didn't dare bust out laughing in fear of waking her up.

February 20th-

Addisyn was on the potty and I was sitting on her footstool next to her (coaching her) and she was saying that I had lips and she would point to mine then she had lips and she would point to hers. Then she went to the nose, ears, eyes and then ran her finger across my eyebrows and I said "Eyebrow" and she felt her faced and screamed and said "I can't find mine!" She makes me laugh.

I hadn't been feeling well so Emma and Addi thought they should 'doctor me up'. I laid on the couch as they covered me up with a blanket, gave me a pillow and a stuffed animal to cuddle. Emma placed her wide headband over my eyes so the light wouldn't bother me (she does this herself almost every night, light or no light). So they worked on me with all their doctor set stuff checking my temp. and listening to my heart. Then suddenly I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my forehead and yelled out. I pulled the headband down and no word of a lie the first thing I see is Addi with a big smile, a hand saw (toy of course) in one hand and a hammer in the other and she let out this big "Muahahahahaha" laugh (its her new thing) and Emma was up at my head with her screwdriver taking the screws out of my head. lol. I said "Oh my you are cruel" Emma answered "That's cause we are evil doctors, bet you wish you had good nurses now!" I laughed so hard. They kinda went about doing a few things and then Emma listens to my heart and says very straight-faced "I hate to be so serious but there is darkness in your heart." I'm getting a second opinion!

March 2nd-

The other day Emma was trying to console Addisyn about her potty training telling her that big girls used the potty. Addi seemed to take it all in and actually told us all day on Sunday when she needed to use the potty with minimal accidents. So on Monday when Addi had decided she had enough with the potty I said "Emma you should go talk to Addi again about using the potty." Emma thought it was her big sisterly duty to do so and off she went. She sat Addi down and said "Addi you need to use the potty like me, big girls don't poop or pee in a pull-up, oh and one more thing (in her best Thumper voice) 'If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." I think she is picking up on my tricks to insert ideas whenever and wherever possible.

March 4th-
Emma just walked up to me and says "Momma I have to tell you something' as if she would burst if she didn't say it right then. I said "What is it Em?" With the biggest wide eyed stare she could give me she says 'Last night I found a FREE Walmart!" lol She knew this would interest me, that's my girl.

March 8th-

I was cuddling Addi and Bella on my bed and I asked Addi for a kiss. She instantly said no so I pretended to cry and she says 'Oh don't cry Momma, dont' cry' and leaned over and gave me a kiss. Worked! Then I asked Bella for a kiss and she just looked at me like I was nuts, so I gave the big fake cry again and she bent over to me and took her tiny little fingers and pinched my lips closed as if to say 'that's enough Momma.'

March 10th-

We were in the van driving home from Walmart and Emma asks why the snow isn't melting. And I said "Oh its melting honey see all the big puddles.' She then asked how it was melting and I told her that the sun was melting it. She was so happy she looks out the window and says 'Oh thank you, you big good golden sun!" This morning she jumped out of bed ran to the window and said "Is the snow all gone?" Someone is a little excited for spring to get here.

Bella is a year old now and has only said "Mama" once, on her birthday. Last night Bob and her were sitting in the rocking chair and he asked me to get him something for the baby and I (sitting on FaceBook) said 'Yup just a minute', well a few minutes past and he said "Ang could you get me, whatever it was, and I said "yup just a minute' again he says "Ang" a few more times, I was a little preoccupied but intended to get it. Then all of a sudden Bella yells "An..An...An...' couldn't get the G out but I knew what she was doing. And it worked too cause it got me on my feet pretty fast.

March 12th-

Play date-
Normally my notes are only about my girls but this is a note from play date that couldn't be left unwritten. Once a week we have play date with anywhere from 5 to 10 kids, usually all girls. We play, we eat, we fight, we laugh, we just have a good time together. The kids love to get together as much as the grown ups. So the other day two of the girls, PJ and Alyia got into a little scuffle, and PJ ended up giving Alyia a little love tap hurting Alyia's feelings. Momma P corrected PJ and made her apologize, PJ looks at Alyia with these big puppy dog eyes and says "Sawwry." No response. Again she says "Sawrry." Still no response and she looks up at us and says "It's not working!" We laughed so hard and long that the fight was forgotten and all was happy again. :)

We were all sitting in the living room watching a movie and the power started to flicker. Well it started to do it every 30 seconds resetting everything every time it flickered. Bob and I jumped up to unplug everything and get ready in case we totally lost power. Afterwards we were all on the couches trying to find something to do that didn't require power. So we made up a little game of sing song, well we all sang little tunes and the girls were just loving it, then it was Emma's turn. She started with 'Jesus loves the little children' when she got to the red, yellow, black and white it came out 'Red and Black and white and stripped.' LOL I laughed so hard I didn't hear the rest. Guess she's learned a thing or two from Daddy when it comes to parody songs. :)

March 15th-

Momma's Birthday-
We were getting ready for church and talking about my birthday when I asked Emma how old she thought I was...her response..."Seven!" The wrinkle cream must be working.

We were in church, worship service and our pastor had been speaking on healing and the different ways of healing. Emma had a scratched her eczema open that morning and I had put a band-aid on it. After listening intently to pastor she walks over to me, hands me her band-aid and says "God healed me I don't need this!" That must be why he tells us to come as little children, they just believe.

March 16th-

The girls wanted a movie on so I obliged and put one in, using the Xbox 360 I needed the remote to make it start and couldn't find it.  I looked everywhere and said "Where is that remote, I can't find it" Emma comes out with the solution "Mommy maybe you are just getting old!" That's the birthday wish I didn't want, thanks Em!

March 26th-

We had made our second trip to Montreal for immigration. After many hours of driving and kids fighting we were finally driving in silence for a few minutes. Emma lets out a big sigh and with her head in her hands says 'Will we ever get out of this French world?' Her frustration gave us a good laugh.

Later on that day-

We stopped in River-du-Loop for a well needed Walmart break and found lots of good deals. However, Emma seen the movie Bolt sitting on the shelf and asked if we could buy it. Well the cover was totally in French and I wasn't sure if the movie was French with English subtitles. So just to make sure I told Emma that we would wait til we got back home just in case it was in French. She said 'Oh its ok I can speak Spanish (then super fast said) 'habla, habla, habla'. Gotta love Dora!

One day Emma was asking me the same question over and over and the answer was always no. So she was yelling Momma? and I would answer NO, back and forth back and forth Momma, NO Momma, NO finally Emma says "Ahh you are annoying me!" and she wasn't being mean but it was so funny how it came out of her it took all I had not to laugh and say "Don't say that to Momma...' ...with a big grin on my face.

Emma decided that we needed a potty chair in our room and I just ignored her about it and brought it back down to the bathroom when she wasn't looking. When she saw that it was back down she said
"Momma we need that in our room' and I told her we didn't that it belonged in the bathroom. Then she replied with 'Momma when I gotta pee I gotta pee!"

*We have decided that after living in Canada for five years we were going back to the US where my husband is from.  The process took another year.  Spring of 2009 we made the move to Wisconsin.

Since we haven't bought a house yet we are staying with my in-laws.  We are so thankful and it was great but presents one problem...Emma listens to EVERYTHING Natalee (my 8 year sister in law) says. Tuesday night Emma and Natalee are in the bathroom. Emma yells for me, I walk in to find her sitting on Addi's potty with (picture this it will make it much funnier) white dress gloves up to her arm pits and a wand in her hand. The look on her face was sheer horror. Emma says 'Momma there was this green powerful goo that got on a baby and killed it a year ago. True story!' I then look to Natalee who was standing by the sink and she nonchalantly says "Its the Swine Flu, I heard it on the news." And tosses her braid over her shoulder like she was 35. Then the rest of the night Emma kept sneaking to the bathroom to SCRUB her hands cause 'Natalee says if I don't wash good I could get the Swine Flu and die!!" I laughed and grumbled over this one.

May 12th-
Bella was walking up a storm by now and new sounds are coming out of her everyday. Well this morning I was holding her on my lap sitting in the living room with Gramma and Grampa, and Bella bends way over with my arm around her waist. Just as she bends she lets out a huge toot and she stays bent over and says real low and long 'Uh---Oh" It was so super funny. Even my baby is funny.


Being at my in-laws house there is so much for the girls to explore and find new things. This particular day Emma says 'Momma come here I need to show you something, BUT you can't say 'that's dangerous'". I giggled to myself and said "Okay show me." She takes me to the staircase and grabs the banister and swings her legs around it and hangs upside down. Emma squeals "Isn't this cool? Don't say its dangerous!!" I said "Yes that's cool but you might break it so you need to get down.' See I didn't say it was dangerous. lol

My Emma is a night hawk and not at all an early bird. Being in a new place they are all totally off their schedule. So I went to make Emma get out of bed and no way was she wanting to comply. I kept shaking her and saying "Emma gotta get up." Instead of saying anything she simply, with eyes still closed held up one finger as if to motion 'just one more minute.' I didn't give up though. Finally she speaks 'Momma get outta my bed.' 'Emma this isn't your bed, this is the futon, get up.' 'Fine Momma if this isn't your bed then why don't you go lay on your bed and stop bothering me!" I had a good long laugh and then stood up and literally dragged her out of bed. lol She's so funny.

May 15th-

We stayed up a little late watching movies so then the girls wanted to sleep in Gramma's bed and Addi really had good intentions to do so but alas 30 minutes later she was back. After reading three stories I made her lay back and closed her eyes while I told her a story.  I decided to tell her about Noah and the Ark. I sometimes go a little overboard with the story telling and get into it a bit. Addi is intently listening and taking in all about the flooding of the earth when I said 'The Lord shut the door and it started to drip drip drip, listen (oh it just happened to be raining hard) hear it?" Addi jumps up and says 'Oh Momma I'm scared. It rain." So I had to calm her down and reassure her that God promised to never flood the earth again. She accepted it and laid back down. But it really made me laugh.

A New Year of Mayham

The New Year brings new funnies.  It never seems to end at our house, but that's what makes it ours.  They may be nuts but I love them.  Have a laugh.

January 2nd-

Addi comes out crying and through her sobs I translate that Emma has hit her. When I ask Emma if this was true her response was "Hit Addi? me? Probably...yeah...I did." I think she thought she would lie about it to avoid any punishment but her conscience got to her.

January 3rd-

Today was Emma's birthday! She turned four and we let her pick out whatever she wanted to wear, whatever she wanted to eat, everything was her choice. Her party is next Saturday so we were trying to make it a big day for her cause there was no party but she knew that it was her birthday. So we pampered her all day, and her Nanny and Papa and Chloe came up, it was a great day. So after everyone left and Addi and Bella were sleeping we made a big 'bed' on the floor in the middle of the living room. Bob, Emma and I all curled up and cuddled and watched a movie. I said to Emma "So was this a great birthday?" she answered "Yeah I LOVED it, I think I'll have another one tomorrow!" So I guess we did alright.

January 12th-

I was giving the girls their bowls of cereal and said "Bon Appetit." Ever inquiring Emma says "What does that mean?" I told her it was enjoy your food in french. She says "Oh ok, thank you." I say "Say 'Merci beaucoup'" then she asks "What's 'Mary Go Poop'?" I tried to conceal my laughter so she wouldn't think I was laughing at her attempt and said "'Merci beaucoup' means thank you very much in french.' She replies in a very chipper manner "Oh, well, Mary Go Poop to you!" She'll be bilingual any day now.

Janury 15th-

I was washing the dishes when Emma walks into the kitchen and announces that Addisyn has pooped and I need to change her. I thanked her for letting me know and was finishing what I was washing and drying my hands and asked Emma to grab me a diaper. Her, being the laziest of my children, came up the excuse of "Momma I can't right now, I have the hiccups!"

January 21st-

Bedtime- Normally all my stories are funny but this one is just adorable. So this year I had made a plan (not resolution, cause I won't do it if I put that formal title on it) to pray more with the girls to try and teach them more about prayer. So I say their prayers with them and then I pray for them. I usually hug them or snuggle close in their beds when I do this. So this night I started with Addisyn and then over to Emma. Now these prayers are full of purpose, teach them to pray, the importance of prayer, and also to try and slip in a few 'momma-minded convictions' for my tots.  So I said Emma's prayers then I prayed for her on this particular sassy day; "Lord help her to be the best little girl she can be and not sass her momma or daddy, and help me to be the best mommy I can be..." I continued to pray a little more and as soon as I had finished Emma put her hands on my arms and pulled back, so to be able to fully see me (real grown-up like) and said 'But momma you ARE the best mommy in the world and daddy is the best daddy....he is pretty cool too.' I just melted into her arms and had no words to tell her how happy she had made me, sassy day or not.

January 24th-

Supper time-
This weekend we went down to my parent's to visit. While having supper with my parents, niece and sister, Emma was full of....well Emma.  Emma loves her aunt Heidi, and of course Heidi torments her and they laughs and fight (lovingly) back and forth. So at supper Heidi was teasing her and Emma says "You know Heidi, you are making the devil happy!"  We all had a good laugh but Heidi didn't back down and Emma says "Yup, you're going to be the devil's wife someday!" Honest I didn't teach her to say that, I promise! And I did scold her but after laughing at her it was hard to do.

January 26th-

Bath time-
I had put the girls in the tub tonight and was letting them play for a little while when I heard Addi yell, I ran in to find that she had JUST pooped in the tub. I pulled them both out and Emma says "What? Why are you taking us out?" While I was explaining that Addi pooped in the tub and I had to get them out and clean the tub before they could get in again (shower the second time, lol) she was watching me take the toys out and she yells (almost in a slow-motion sort of way) "NO TOYS, DON'T GO INTO THE POOP!" Funny part was she was dead serious not trying to be funny at all.

I was getting the girls ready to get into bed and quietly asked Bob if he would like to play a game of Parcheesi when they were asleep. Emma bolts across the house and says with an excited tone "I'll play 'Oh Cheesy'."

January 27th-

6 o'clock news-
Tonight I had the news on while getting supper ready and Emma comes into the kitchen in tears and gasping for breath she was so upset. I went to comfort her and asked "What's wrong?" Through sobs she said "That poor woman has nothing." I didn't quite understand until I looked at what she was pointing to, a story in the news about a building with 11 people in it that had burned down. She was crying still saying "Her house caught fire and she doesn't have anything anymore." It was really sweet that she was so concerned.

January 28th-

This note is about my silent genius Addisyn. Although she doesn't talk as much or as clear as Emma she is just as smart. She knows how to get exactly what she wants and if she can't trick you into it she will charm you into it. Last night during supper, linguine, they were told they could have a special treat Daddy bought if they ate ALL their supper. Addisyn loves noodles but loves treats more. So the girls were sitting across from each other at their picnic table and eating along happily and quickly. I was surprised to see how quickly Addisyn was getting through her plate of noodles, so I stopped to quietly watch her for a second. Then I saw her masterminded plan, she would pick up the noodles, lick them clean and drop them on Emma's plate when she wasn't looking. It was SO funny because she thought she was undetected and poor Emma thought she was never going to get her treat. So I fixed up Emma's plate to be just her noodles and afterwards we all had a treat.

So it continues

I am going to always just start where I last left off until I get caught up to present day.

November 5th-

We are eating supper and Addisyn won't sit down to eat. She wants to run and play, you know the whole 'I'm two and I'll do what I want to' thing. Trying to keep calm and get her to sit without a fight I say 'Addi you need to sit down and eat your food so you can grow big and strong like Momma' (as I flex my not so huge muscles). She stops to look at me and I start to say it again 'Addi don't you want to be and strong like' I'm interrupted by Emma with 'like a chicken, a big honkin' chicken' as she proceeds to tuck her hands under her armpits and yell 'BOK BOK BOK!' Oddly enough Addi sat down and ate a good portion of her food. Guess she wants to be a big honkin' chicken.

November 6th-

Bath time-

Last night Emma was in the tub and I was in the bathroom talking to her. She says 'Momma, Addi told me that she isn't a human.'  I said "What is she then?" Emma says "She's a duck!" I said "Oh no what are we going to do?" She says "Just have two babies, Addi can live in the RIVER!" She cracks me up.

November 9th-

We had been up with Bella ALL night, she decided to finally fall asleep around 6am. So when the other girls woke up a few hours later we were not in good shape. I had a big headache and so tired. Emma walks up to me looks me in the face and so worried says 'Momma your eyes are breaking' I believe she meant my eyes were blood shot but it made me laugh.

November 11th-

The girls and I were cleaning their room up together and Emma was being mean and grumpy to Addisyn when, before I got to correct her, Addie sticks out her belly and yells 'CAREBEAR STARE!" That was to get rid of all the mean I guess. I just cracked up, Addie doesn't talk clearly yet but that was as clear as a bell. She showed Emma who is boss, for once.

November 30th-

Emma was acting out and I was putting the baby to sleep.  I was getting angry and they know when I count they are to come to me while I attempt to discipline them. I said "Emma I'm going to count to three..1-" She jumped up and says "How about five?"

December 1st-

We were getting ready to go to the Ministers Banquet at church and getting the girls ready to go to the babysitter's. Emma was ignoring us totally and comes in and starts jumping on our bed. I have spoken sternly, counted and yelled and she still won't stop. I took her by the belly saying "Emma we don't jump on the bed!" Her smarty-pants reply was "Momma I'm learning, don't you want me to learn?" She couldn't act more like her father if she tried, I think he is giving her lessons.

December 2nd-

This was more cute, usually the stories are me pulling my hair out while everyone else laughs at how funny they are.  Today Emma runs in while I was on the phone with Bob and says "Momma, I was just sitting down being a good girl and eating my lunch when my tummy says (she deepens her voice and makes it kinda gruff) 'That's mine!'" She cracks me up.

December 6th-

We took the kids to Dairy Queen for lunch one Saturday and Emma always wants to wear a headband. Well she has pretty wild hair and I'm always trying to get it out of her eyes. So I agreed to let them wear headbands but they were the elastic headbands that go all the way around the head. So halfway through dinner Emma says "Momma can I take this headband off its starving my head!" I believe she meant it was too tight but 'starving' has now taken the place of tight in our house as a joke between Bob and I. Just the other day a skirt I used to wear was starving my rear-end. HAHA! Kids are fun.

December 18th-

We are getting things ready for Christmas at the Meydam house, lots of baking, presents, dancing to Christmas tunes and of course lots of Christmas dishes filled with candy. This afternoon Emma came out and I thought 'oh no I'm in for it.' It looked as though she had had an accident, but I knew that wasn't so because she had JUST went potty. Before I said anything she blurted out "Momma can you get this chocolate out of my pocket?" I slightly sighed, thankful it wasn't poo, but confused as to why chocolate would be in her pocket. I started to clean her off and change her when she said "Sorry Momma I was saving it so I could give it to Daddy when he gets home." I couldn't possibly be mad at her because she truly was innocent and had no idea it would melt. Plus the gesture of saving Daddy this special icy square chocolate was precious. I get her all cleaned up and send her on her way and she turns around and says "Oh Momma, Addi saved him one too." Sure enough here comes Addi covered in chocolate.

December 28th-

So I am making lunch for the girls, grilled cheese, and I'm trying to do this quickly and quietly so Emma doesn't discover that I am using butter. (she hates the idea of butter, we tricked her for awhile calling it margarine but she caught on. She likes the taste but not the idea of it so she says she hates butter although I use it in everything, way beside the point so...) I am secretly cooking lunch I have the bread all buttered and in a stack and the cheese in a stack. I just finished one sandwich I turn to grab another piece of cheese and find....three huge bite marks in my stack of cheese. Addi had sneaked up and took a few bites of the pile and I just saw the back end of her running out of the kitchen. That's Addi!

Here I am in the kitchen doing several different household chores at once and I hear... bouncing. I know this noise, I don't even need to go and see I just yell "Girls stop jumping on the bed, we don't jump on beds" My yell is followed by a big deep sigh from Emma and her saying "Addi get down you were jumping too loud and Momma heard us *sigh*"

I was trying to put the girls to sleep by telling them this big long story of a little fairy girl, it put Addi down but Emma wanted to tell her own rendition of it once I had finished. She starts with "This girl popped her boyfriend's head off" I gasp and she quickly says "It's okay she took some ribbons and bows and tied it back on." She had to make it pretty!

More of the Story

So we left off in September of 2009. 

September 28th-

During church Sunday night Emma wasn't acting her hyper self but more mellow. On the way home she says 'I'm gonna throw up'. Not much you can do in about 1.2 seconds after hearing that so she threw up everywhere all over her self, her seat, shoes...everywhere. At the time we were at the gas station.  Daddy is getting gas and I am trying to get back to her cleaned but it was taking some time.  She is sitting there covered in vomit, then pukes again, twice. While not moving much but had some in her hand from covering her mouth she looks SO angry and says "When we get home I'm going to punch Daddy in the head for making me sit in this!" Then Addisyn saw all the attention that Emma was getting from being sick and covered in vomit so she being the evil genius she is she spits a little ball of spit in her hand and says "I puke". Emma is even more angry now that Addi is trying to seal her attention and yells 'You are not you FAKER!' Anyone wanna babysit??


Sunday night in church Addisyn was wound for sound, as usual. She had a short sleeve knit sweater on with her cute with black skirt. Well it was getting kinda hot in the church so my dear sweet Addisyn starts striping in church. The first time I caught her in the act I got the sweater on before it was totally off. The second time however I was not so lucky. I noticed her out of the corner of my eye trying to run out of the seat without her sweater on.....so I quickly handed over baby to Daddy and ran after the streak!

September 29th-

Emma is getting the special treatment cause she is sick. Bed on the couch, cloth on the forehead, babying day. Well I gave her a special cup of juice and Addi wanted one too. So I got Addi one and told her to lay down on the other couch. Emma says 'Addi you're a faker!' I said 'Emma you don't know how she feels, maybe she doesn't feel good either'. Emma's reply was 'Momma, yes I do know, cause I know everything, like you!'.  At least she got that right.  :)

October 9th-

Addisyn is 2 1/2 years old now and she isn't talking as well as Emma was at this age.  But she is doing really well with putting her words together, sometimes I do need to translate though. One thing is that she won't say her name. I'll ask her what her name is and she points to herself and says "Mine" or "My" never Addi. This morning I was trying to get her to look in the mirror and say "my name is Addi." No way would she say Addi. Finally I said "if you say Addi I'll give you a treat." This peaked her interest. I say "So what is your name?" Proudly she says 'SHREK!" I give up for today.

October 9th-

Emma is to the age where she notices things about people and is never quiet about asking or pointing. Well last night we were watching a show that had different races of people on it. Emma keep calling the blond women 'Those white girls." So I started to politely explain about all different colours of people and different countries and different cultures. I was saying "Some people have white skin like us, some people have black skin, some people have brown skin..." and so on...when she quickly interrupted me to say "And some people are shy". I laughed so hard I thought I was going to fall off the couch.

October 12th-

We had spent Thanksgiving weekend at my parents house this year. The girls had so much fun with their cousins and grandparents. It was a great weekend. On Sunday evening we were getting ready to leave when my niece wanted to show us how she could ride her bike. So before we piled the kids in the car we watched her put on her helmet and drive round and round on her bike. The girls were so impressed that they too wanted to try. Emma tried Chloe's bike while I held on tight and pushed er around for a minute. But Addi got on Chloe's old bike and Papa was pushing her with the handle on back. Its such a cute little bike with a wicker basket on front. Well Addi keep saying 'My hat my hat' and throwing everything out of the basket, and we weren't too sure what she was talking about and kinda ignored her. Then after persisting with 'My hat my hat' I figured out what she was doing. She was trying to pull the wicker basket off the bike and was kinda putting her head in it at the same time. She thought the basket was her helmet and was trying to put it on. It was very very funny.

October 13th-

My sister had just posted the pictures she had taken from Thanksgiving and I was looking at them intently. Emma comes over and is standing beside me watching and saying something. I wasn't actually listening to her because I was trying to save the pictures I wanted. Then she yells "Momma are your listening ears on??"

October 17th-

Bath time-
We had put girls in tub, and I was cleaning their room. Bob came in for a second to tell me something when we hear what seems to be wet seals rolling around. Sure enough our sweet little angels were out of the tub on the floor wrestling over a face cloth! They were playing a game, balled up the face cloth throw at the wall and the first one out of the tub and got the cloth got to throw it the next time, wins. How inventive of them.

October 19th-

In church Emma needs to potty and the bathroom is slightly crowded. So we wait in a small line before getting a stall. Once in the stall of the small ladies washroom in which you can hear anything and everything, Emma says (very loudly) "Momma we saw two of the young people" I reply with "Yes Emma wedid." Emma says "How come there isn't anyone in here that you like??" I think she meant any of the friends we hang out with but it certainly didn't come out that way.

October 20th-

Addisyn just walked up to me and handed me a pencil. I usually have all pencils, pens, markers, crayons put up unless needed. I had been using a pencil earlier and forgot to put it back up. Now Addisyn had it and the lead was flattened. She was trying to get me to sharpen it so she could finish her picture.....ON MY WALL! Bold....very bold!


Emma drops Bella on head while Bella is in bouncer.


I had to break up a 'Ketchup Fork War'.


After an extended time out and Mom having a mini melt down I called Daddy to get him to tell them they need to behave. For some reason they listen to him better than me. When he asked Emma why she was being so bad today her response was (no lie) "The devil wants me to do bad things, he made me do it". I'm retiring early!


Addisyn runs out where I am TRYING so hard to get laundry folded, totally nude at the same time as I hear the toilet flush.  Emma is using the big potty now so Addi wants to too, but Addisyn doesn't realize that you put the diapers in the garbage NOT THE TOILET!

November lies ahead.

The Archives

Here starts my journey.  I had to go back to as far as I could remember the kidisms, before I started writing things down.  So I call this the archives because a lot of my stories are from a few years ago, however, they are still entertaining, silly and sometimes maddening for me.

We start in 2007.  Emma was a little over two when we got the movie "Happy Feet.' We had watched it maybe once or twice and she really didn't take an interest in it.  One afternoon I was doing housework and she was playing, starting to get a little bored. I offered to put 'Happy Feet' in for her and she said "No, I don't like Happy Feet, it makes me nervous. Why do they all have to sing so much??"  I don't think we have watched it since. :)

December 2007-

Emma had to have surgery on her teeth due to her having soft enamel. We had to go to a hospital about an hour and half away to get this surgery done. We had never been there before so as we walked in we were looking around at signs to see where we were supposed to go. I was kind of taking my time reading all the different signs, some being in French, when Emma tugs on my hand and says very taken aback "Momma I can't read!!" As if we were depending on her to find where we were to go. It was so funny.

June 2008-

Father's Day we decided to take Daddy out to eat wherever he choose, so it was the new Rice King Buffet. In we go, and you need to understand something before I finish this story. Everywhere we go people stop us to look at our children. And I'm not bragging or complaining cause its nice to have random strangers tell you that you have adorable children. However, it can get old, and inconvenient when you are trying to go or do something. Emma gets rather annoyed because people ALWAYS mistake her and Addi for twins, being only 17 months apart and Addi is the same size as Emma.  Back to our story, we are sitting down eating together, nice quiet family dinner together. However, we did know several people there, our Pastor and family were at the next table and another family from church was at the table next to them. Anyways, this lady walks by and gasps 'Oh what beautiful children, three girls, how sweet.' And then she just kinda stood there staring at them. I tried to make some small talk about having our hands full and thanking her for her nice comments. But she just stood there for a long time staring at them....hello we are trying to eat, then Emma looks at her, lets out a big sigh and says "Why do you have such a big belly?" I could have died right there...I had to refrain from crawling under the table. But the lady didn't leave, she just smiled and kinda waited for me to slap her or something. I told Emma that wasn't nice and smile very uncomfortably at this lady...who eventually left.

July 2008-

It seems its always Emma I know, but Addi is just as bad.  Emma just talks more.  However, this is another Emma story.  I have been telling Emma for some time now to stay away from boys. She is kinda boy crazy and some of the boys we know like to hug on her and what not. Well I'm trying to keep her a little girl and innocent as long as possible and of course keep boys away. So walking through Wal-Mart (our second home) one day this lady, who had a little boy in her cart, smiles at Emma. In response she makes a nasty face and says 'Ew boys stink!' Let out a little 'humph' and huffed away. So my plan is kinda working but making her snotty in the process.

April 2008-

Not long after Bella was born I was laying on the couch nursing her. Emma was laying on the couch opposite me and was intently watching me. I had explained to her I was giving the baby milk. After a few minutes of carefully taking it all in she says 'You got juice in there??' As if when Bella was done she would like a turn. HA!

December 2008-

This year was the first year that Emma has really put any stock into the whole Santa thing. We haven't discouraged any idea of Santa but we haven't encouraged it either, just let her go with it. One night while putting them to bed Emma asked for a story about Santa, and I suggested a story about Jesus and the real reason we celebrate Christmas. She was thrilled with this idea and I laid beside her in her bed and Daddy laid beside Addisyn in her bed. Daddy started to tell a very detailed version of the Christmas story. When he got to the part about Mary and Joseph were going to Bethlehem for the census so they could be counted and how they didn't know anyone and had no where to sleep Emma interrupted with "But they knew Mikko right?" (Mikko is our pastor's son whom the girls simply adore). With big smiles on our faces we held back laughter and said "Nope, Mikko wasn't in Bethlehem, they didn't know him." Her instant and very dramatic reply was "What? They didn't know Mikko??" I guess because she thinks Mikko is so important that everyone should too.  He is pretty awesome.
September 26th, 2009

Addisyn has finally pooped in the potty for the first time. YEAH! I'm so excited, she still doesn't want anything to do with 'panties' but she pooped in the potty. However, during this I have changed Bella's diaper and striped the sleeper she wore to bed off because she wet through. I buckle her into her bouncer while I go to the bedroom to get her a new one. Addi poops, I wipe and applaud her, then back to get sleeper. Come out to find Bella out of her bouncer on the floor covered in her own poop. She had poop in the time it took me to find a new sleeper and Addi thought if she was potty training Bella (6 months old) should potty train and unbuckled her from the bouncer and took her diaper off and had poop everywhere. When I asked Addisyn if she did it she simply nodded her head and said 'Bell poop'. This should be an interesting day.

With all the potty training and other daily chores I hadn't got my bed made just yet. Emma (my oldest) comes running to me "Momma I have a surprise for you" took me into my bedroom and she had made my bed. Now this is quite a task for a three-year old to make a queen size bed but she did an excellent job and was so proud of herself. I made sure to hug her and thank her for being such a big helper. See, they aren't always bad, they can be cute and helpful too. Although, those who know me know that I will secretly re-make the bed....OCD!!

Emma has been begging for us to buy her Polly Pockets for months now. I have held off because of the two smaller children, I don't want them eating them. Anyways, Emma has been so good and helpful.  So today she asked for them again (knowing I had a few in the gift closet) and I said if I gave them to her she could only have them when both sisters were sleeping and had to keep them in a special box. Well 20 minutes later both sisters were sleeping. I finally gave in.  She played with them until her father got home and as he walked through the door she yells "Daddy Daddy I'm a big girl now, I have Polly Pockets!!" It was a monumental moment for her. Totally note worthy!

September 27th-
I was nursing the baby when Emma comes to me and says "You know Momma, when I get to heaven I am going to tell Jesus that it was YOU that told me to do all the bad stuff to Addi." WHERE DOES SHE GET IT!

Getting the girls ready this afternoon to go to a wedding Bob tells Emma how beautiful she is. In response Emma clears her throat and in her best Joey Tribbianni voice says "How you doin'?" Yeah that's my girl!

Emma was totally full of it today. In the car on the way to our friends, Joleen and Mark's wedding Emma says 'Oh Momma Joleen is going to be so happy.' I say 'Yes Emma she is.' Emma replies "Cause she is going to have a baby.' I gasp and say "Emma NO SHE'S NOT" (Joleen was NOT pregnant) and Emma says in her best know-it-all voice "Momma yeah, husbands give you babies.'

Today was Emma's day, on the way to the reception Emma says "I need to tell Joleen that I think her 'hubeband' is real sweet'. It was a fun day!

So continues the wonderful journey of raising toddlers...


The Adventure of being a Mom

This is my first attempt at a blog.  However, I have been writing things down for years.  I am a mother of four beautiful girls between the ages of 8 months to 6 years.  Their names are Emma, Addisyn, Bella and Molly.  This is important as all my stories are centered around knowing each girl.

Emma is my little comedian.  There is rarely a day that goes by that she doesn't come up with some way to make us laugh.  Whether it is intentional or not.  She pretends to be shy around people she doesn't know well.  She can be a bit bossy at times, but I think that is an oldest child thing.  And something some people may never expect is that she is very sensitive.  The littlest thing may just set her off crying, although she doesn't let many see this side of her.  For only being six Emma has many sides.

Addisyn is my little sweet redhead.  She has the biggest blue eyes and a smile that could melt your heart.  By the look of her you wouldn't expect anything but pure sweetness.  However, being her Momma I see all the little things.  lol.  She loves being a big sister but not so keen on being a little sister.  She can stand that Emma can do things she can't.  She is a cuddle bug and craves extra attention any time she can get it.  My little mocking bird.  Anything big sis does she does, but that is normal I think.  She would live on chocolate milk if a let her.  And her biggest down fall is that she will not stand up for herself.  (Which drives me crazy)  No matter what it is if one the other girls wants what Addi has she gives in every time.  I guess she is a people pleaser like her mother.  :(  She is so sensitive, smart and sweet.

Bella, oh my, where do I start?  She is the loudest, most stubborn, bully of a 2 1/2 year old I've ever met.  lol.  She will fight about absolutely everything under the sun.  She could run a marathon and not break a sweat.  She drives me crazy BUT she is the most cunning girl you'll ever meet.  She has this devilish smile that you can't get mad at.  She has a case of the terrible twos but when she gets what she wants she is the most adorable thing.  I love her to pieces and without her I may be sane.  What ever would I do without my BellyBean.  She might be a bully but she is determined which I think will prove to be a great quality when she gets older.  If she has lipglosss you won't even know she is around.  She has this rough voice and is bossy but the girlest girl I have.  Strange combo I know.

Molly is my baby and always will be.  At only 8 months she is so spoiled, as we have done to all the girls.  Her goos and gaas are the most beautiful noises I've ever heard.  She is my MollyDolly.  Although she is little she does have a personality.  She knows just how to make you smile, how to make you give into her every need and how to cuddle until you can't cuddle anymore.  She loves her Momma and I'm hoping at she stays a Momma's girl because none of the others have.  lol.  Please never grow up.

That, in a nutshell is my girls.  This will start the coming and goings of all my stories of my adventures of being a Momma.