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About Me

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I am a stay at home mom with four fantastic little ladies. I am Canadian but immigrated to the US almost 2 years ago. My family is my world, outside of that there isn't much to tell. I love Jesus, snow storms, warm blankets, cooking and baking, writing, trilogies, Jim Henson anything, sudoku, board/video games and being organized. Random I know but it sums me up best.


Writing It Down

Since starting this blog I've been keeping a notebook close by.  I have been making sure to write everything down.  And I know the girls will love being able to read all their stories when they are older.  Here is the past week or so at our house.

Bella hurt her toe and said "Is Mario in Emma's class?  He can fix my toe??"  Next line from her was "Princess Peach come my house?"

Emma was being kind and helping the girls with their coloring.  Addisyn being obsessed with death said "What if Emma dies?"  I told her that Emma wasn't going to die but if she did she would go to heaven and that we all will some day.  Addisyn said "But what if I get hungry?"  I said "God will have a feast for us."  Emma completely freaks out and says "GOD IS GOING TO EAT US!"

Last night we all watched a movie together.  Bob tells Bella "Yup 'Cats Can't Dance'"  Bella looks up at him and says "Umm Cats walk."

I was washing some bedding and Bella cries "Oh no Momma not the blankets!"  Guess she doesn't want anything to be clean, kinda like her face. 

I go to the school each week to help with reading centers in Emma's Kindergarten class.  So here's the back story to this one.  I have been taking new meds for my epilepsy which are making me talk a little goofy.  I can't seem to say the right words and when I do get something out it is completely wrong and usually insane.
So back to the story.  I was sitting in our small group that Emma just happened to be in that day.  I told the kids "Just a few more mittens before recess, let's finish up."  I tried to plow through it and hope none of them noticed my blunder.  But of course one little boy said "Did you say mittens?"  I smiled and Emma says in a real grown up way "Oh her medicine makes her mess her words up."  I tried to not be embarrassed by my mess up or by my six year old covering for me.

Going through the drive through Bob said "Pepsi please."  Bella said "No, Appie Juice please."

Still at the drive through (where kids always act up), Addi was sitting by Molly and in a goofy deep voice says "Hey you with the long face, what you talking about."  As if this wasn't funny enough Emma had to get in on it and says "And you with the short face too."

Girls got slap bracelets tonight.  Emma was behind me and said "I'm gonna slap your butt."  I said "I don't think so."  She puts her hands on her hips and says "How come you and Daddy can spank me but I never get to spank you?"  I just shook my head.

Bob got me a jewelry box for Valentine's.  Addisyn and I were taking it out of the packaging and looking it over.  We opened the drawers and one of those little gel packet things was inside.  Addi got real excited and said "Oh look someone left you a message." 

We were telling the girls some stories one night like 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf', 'The Three Little Pigs', 'Henny Penny', and so on.  Bella let out a big growl and Daddy said "Are you the big bad wolf?"  She said with glee in her voice "No I Baby Bad Wolf."

Bob had to go to Wal-Mart this morning while he was in town today.  He asked Bella if she wanted to go, just a her and Daddy morning.  When she heard Wal-Mart she said "No monster store."  We laughed at her not liking Wally World.  After he left she said "Daddy go to Dollar store?"  I told her no he was just going to Wal-mart.  "Oh no big monster store, baby monster dollar store."  I think we may need to try Target for awhile.

Leaving Grampa's house the mad dash to find 'the NUK' was on.  Whoever found it got a dollar.  Grampa found it but put it on the couch for one of the kids to find.  Addi found it first and got the dollar.  On the way home she ripped it in half.  I said "Oh no Addi ripping money is against the law."  Emma got worked up and said "I never seen that on law street, what will we do."  I have no idea what that meant.  Addi whined "I don't want to go to jail."  I said "Oh no if you rip money your big sister has to go to jail."  Emma yells "NOOOOO!"  We teased back and forth for a bit and then Emma said "The police should have cameras on everyone all the time and when Addisun rips money an alarm will go off (in her best alarm voice) "RIP ALERT, RIP ALERT, RIP ALERT."  I think we better find Addi some tape.

After bathtime Bella had her finger in her ear.  She has a scared look on her face and said "My ear ripped."  She was pointing to the inside ridge in her ear (I'm sure that's not what its called).  Then she ran over before I could explain and says "Peanut's ripped too."  When I explained everyone's was the same she was relieved to know her ear was okay.

Bella wanted a sipper cup of apple juice so I got it for her.  Addi runs out wanting the same thing.  I got a cup out but she wanted a sipper.  When I told her she was too big for one she said "The Bible says Addisyn is NOT to big for a sipper."  I must have missed that scripture.

At supper we had rice, corn, General Tsos' Chicken and egg rolls.  I set the table and called the troop.  Addi walks to her spot and says "Umm I didn't order this."  Guess that means no tip for me.

Another in store adventure.  While getting our groceries Addisyn and Emma were walking about a foot behind me, arm and arm laughing their heads off.  Emma would get this deep man voice and say, "Excuse me Ma'am do you know where your children are?"  Then Addi would say in a tiny baby voice "Where's my Mommy."  They did this four or five times before I told them to cut it out before I got in trouble.  :)  But it was nice to see them being friends and not just fighting sisters.

Last night was another sleepless night.  Addisyn was the only one who didn't wake up.  About midnight I heard footsteps running to the bathroom.  I didn't think to much of it because the big girls will often get up to pee and trot back to bed.  I waited to hear the footsteps back but they didn't come.  I thought someone must have fell asleep on the pot so I got up to investigate.  I find Emma sitting in the dark with her eyes half open using the bathroom.  I said "I thought you fell asleep" as I turned on the light.  Barely keeping her head up, feet dangling above the floor and not even looking at me she groggily says "Who was our 16th President?"  Luckily I had read her Weekly Reader and smartly answered "Abraham Lincoln."  She finished up and then her and Honest Abe went back to bed not to wake again til morning.

We've been watching 'My Name is Earl', which you must know the back story of the show to get this.  Addisyn loves it, I'm terrible I know.  Anyway, today she runs in with a Valentine with scribbles on it and says "Momma I crossed Bella off my list, she was number one."  She's awesome!

A requirement for being a mother of girls is being subject to little girl make-overs.  These consist of lotion from toes to elbows, make-up spread unevenly on face in all the wrong spots, tons of plastic jewelry, wands and crowns, pretend curled hair and tons of hair clips.  The list goes on.  Some would call this play time, I call it motherhood.  I'm too afraid to upload today's make over picture but it was fun for all.  My spa treatments.  :p

So that's my week so far.  We'll see what tomorrow brings.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. kids are so funny! they really do say the darn-est things...great blog! i have one also, so feel free to stop on by. amommysjoy.blogspot.com
