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About Me

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I am a stay at home mom with four fantastic little ladies. I am Canadian but immigrated to the US almost 2 years ago. My family is my world, outside of that there isn't much to tell. I love Jesus, snow storms, warm blankets, cooking and baking, writing, trilogies, Jim Henson anything, sudoku, board/video games and being organized. Random I know but it sums me up best.


Giggles from Girls

Its been a while since my last post so I thought I better update.  Lately we have been having sick times and busy times but the girls never seem to let that get them down.  Here are a few of our stories.

One day Emma came out to the kitchen where I was doing the dishes and with a long face said; 
Emma: Bella took my M&M's cause hers are gone.
Momma: Well work it out.
Emma: Oh no, I'm a fighter, I fought it out.
She walks away with her bag of M&M's in hand.

Addisyn is my little worry wart.  She is horrified about death.  She talks about us or her dying all the time and how she doesn't want to die.  One day she said "Momma if you die tomorrow I'm really going to miss you."  Then another day she says "Momma if you die who is going to make supper?"  Poor muffin, she's going to be gray worrying.

I told Bella if she gave up the NUK for good she would get a big treat.  She hands me the NUK and in her rough and tough voice demands "Give me treat, huh!"

Since Kindergarten started Emma has become a Packer Fan (I think it is required to attend a public school in Wisconsin).  After green and gold day she had to watch the big game.  I told her to be a Packer fan means she is a cheesehead.  She says "What if I like the Eagles?  Does that make me a salad head?"  (Grampa thinks maybe a birdbrain).

Then while watching the game she said the most girlish thing "Man baseball is boring."  That's my girl.  Now hockey, that's a different story.

Bob had to have a tracheotomy recently because of his narrow esophagus and having food stuck in it.  Long story, anyway, Emma went to school to tell her teacher all about it.  Mrs.Hart asked me later what happened because all Emma said was "Daddy is in the hospital, he had a chicken in his throat."

My sister Heidi bought the girls tu-tus from Disney and sent them to us.  The girls love getting packages in the mail.  Bella was so excited she had to put it on right away.  She was jumping around, twirling, bending her legs 'fancy'.  She yells "Look, look at me.  I a binarina, binarina."

I was wearing a tighter shirt than usual one day.  Plus still nursing I was wearing a padded nursing bra.  This perked some interesting remarks.  Sitting at the table for supper Addi starts poking them saying "I like yer boobs."  (Think there is a little bit of Daddy in her.)  Then I was in the bathroom putting on makeup when Bella jumps up on the toilet and starts poking them.  She says "Like boo-boos, like a cow, MOOOOOOOO!"

At supper that night, I Bella was on a farm theme.  She would not eat her food.  I said "Well if you don't eat you can't go see Noni"  (her aunt Naomi).  She says, with hands in armpits flapping "Oh Noni, like a chicken, bok-bok."  And the more we laughed the more she clucked.

Emma was driving me nuts one day, and I said the one thing you tell yourself you'll never say when you have kids.  "I brought you into this world and I can take you out!"  Being Emma she looks at me puzzled and says "How?"  Nothing works with her.

One night coming home from shopping the girls were just full of the giggles.  Everything was funny to them.  Anyway, somehow they started talking about grandparents and great-grandparents.  Addi asked about her great-great-great-great grandparents and where they were.  Emma stopped laughing and said in a matter of fact voice "No Addi they're all dead."  They sat in silence for a moment then the giggles started all over again about something totally different.  I think I am going to hate slumber parties when they get older.

Last night in the tub I had all the girls crowded in there to get it done fast.  I had them shampooed up with their hair piled on top of their heads.  Emma looks at Addi and says "Hey you look like Justin Beiber."  Addi wasn't sure about this but said "And you look like Justin Fever too."  They really don't know who he is but it was super funny.

The other day Daddy picked Emma up from school and she was so pumped, she said "Oh Daddy, guess what.  The Warthhog didn't see his shadow."  I was worried because I don't think Pumba could handle much more winter.

They celebrate the 100th day of school here.  We got a project of gluing ten groups of ten of any small things (paperclips, choclate chips, etc) to a big paper.  As we were leaving school that day I was telling Emma about this.  She stops dead in her tracks, bugs out her eyes and loudly proclaims (in front of all the other parents)  "I HAVE 100 HOMEWORKS?"

Only at our house do you go to get ice out of the fridge ice machine and a lip gloss plops into your cup.  Emma trying to hide it from Bella.

My Mom sent the girls some Valentine's and treats.  Bella opens her card and really mad she yells "Hey!  Where's my lip gloss?"

Last night while laying with Bella she did not want to go to sleep.  So I was saying her prayers with her for the second time.  I prayed "Lord help Bella to sleep all night long with no bad dreams or bad thoughts.  Give her sweet dreams of unicorns and butterflies..."  She interrupts me with a loud "AND NUKIES!"  We'll never get that thing away from her.

These are our recent stories.  I will soon post some past funnies.  I hope you enjoy the insanity of my life.  :)

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