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About Me

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I am a stay at home mom with four fantastic little ladies. I am Canadian but immigrated to the US almost 2 years ago. My family is my world, outside of that there isn't much to tell. I love Jesus, snow storms, warm blankets, cooking and baking, writing, trilogies, Jim Henson anything, sudoku, board/video games and being organized. Random I know but it sums me up best.


More of the Story

So we left off in September of 2009. 

September 28th-

During church Sunday night Emma wasn't acting her hyper self but more mellow. On the way home she says 'I'm gonna throw up'. Not much you can do in about 1.2 seconds after hearing that so she threw up everywhere all over her self, her seat, shoes...everywhere. At the time we were at the gas station.  Daddy is getting gas and I am trying to get back to her cleaned but it was taking some time.  She is sitting there covered in vomit, then pukes again, twice. While not moving much but had some in her hand from covering her mouth she looks SO angry and says "When we get home I'm going to punch Daddy in the head for making me sit in this!" Then Addisyn saw all the attention that Emma was getting from being sick and covered in vomit so she being the evil genius she is she spits a little ball of spit in her hand and says "I puke". Emma is even more angry now that Addi is trying to seal her attention and yells 'You are not you FAKER!' Anyone wanna babysit??


Sunday night in church Addisyn was wound for sound, as usual. She had a short sleeve knit sweater on with her cute with black skirt. Well it was getting kinda hot in the church so my dear sweet Addisyn starts striping in church. The first time I caught her in the act I got the sweater on before it was totally off. The second time however I was not so lucky. I noticed her out of the corner of my eye trying to run out of the seat without her sweater on.....so I quickly handed over baby to Daddy and ran after the streak!

September 29th-

Emma is getting the special treatment cause she is sick. Bed on the couch, cloth on the forehead, babying day. Well I gave her a special cup of juice and Addi wanted one too. So I got Addi one and told her to lay down on the other couch. Emma says 'Addi you're a faker!' I said 'Emma you don't know how she feels, maybe she doesn't feel good either'. Emma's reply was 'Momma, yes I do know, cause I know everything, like you!'.  At least she got that right.  :)

October 9th-

Addisyn is 2 1/2 years old now and she isn't talking as well as Emma was at this age.  But she is doing really well with putting her words together, sometimes I do need to translate though. One thing is that she won't say her name. I'll ask her what her name is and she points to herself and says "Mine" or "My" never Addi. This morning I was trying to get her to look in the mirror and say "my name is Addi." No way would she say Addi. Finally I said "if you say Addi I'll give you a treat." This peaked her interest. I say "So what is your name?" Proudly she says 'SHREK!" I give up for today.

October 9th-

Emma is to the age where she notices things about people and is never quiet about asking or pointing. Well last night we were watching a show that had different races of people on it. Emma keep calling the blond women 'Those white girls." So I started to politely explain about all different colours of people and different countries and different cultures. I was saying "Some people have white skin like us, some people have black skin, some people have brown skin..." and so on...when she quickly interrupted me to say "And some people are shy". I laughed so hard I thought I was going to fall off the couch.

October 12th-

We had spent Thanksgiving weekend at my parents house this year. The girls had so much fun with their cousins and grandparents. It was a great weekend. On Sunday evening we were getting ready to leave when my niece wanted to show us how she could ride her bike. So before we piled the kids in the car we watched her put on her helmet and drive round and round on her bike. The girls were so impressed that they too wanted to try. Emma tried Chloe's bike while I held on tight and pushed er around for a minute. But Addi got on Chloe's old bike and Papa was pushing her with the handle on back. Its such a cute little bike with a wicker basket on front. Well Addi keep saying 'My hat my hat' and throwing everything out of the basket, and we weren't too sure what she was talking about and kinda ignored her. Then after persisting with 'My hat my hat' I figured out what she was doing. She was trying to pull the wicker basket off the bike and was kinda putting her head in it at the same time. She thought the basket was her helmet and was trying to put it on. It was very very funny.

October 13th-

My sister had just posted the pictures she had taken from Thanksgiving and I was looking at them intently. Emma comes over and is standing beside me watching and saying something. I wasn't actually listening to her because I was trying to save the pictures I wanted. Then she yells "Momma are your listening ears on??"

October 17th-

Bath time-
We had put girls in tub, and I was cleaning their room. Bob came in for a second to tell me something when we hear what seems to be wet seals rolling around. Sure enough our sweet little angels were out of the tub on the floor wrestling over a face cloth! They were playing a game, balled up the face cloth throw at the wall and the first one out of the tub and got the cloth got to throw it the next time, wins. How inventive of them.

October 19th-

In church Emma needs to potty and the bathroom is slightly crowded. So we wait in a small line before getting a stall. Once in the stall of the small ladies washroom in which you can hear anything and everything, Emma says (very loudly) "Momma we saw two of the young people" I reply with "Yes Emma wedid." Emma says "How come there isn't anyone in here that you like??" I think she meant any of the friends we hang out with but it certainly didn't come out that way.

October 20th-

Addisyn just walked up to me and handed me a pencil. I usually have all pencils, pens, markers, crayons put up unless needed. I had been using a pencil earlier and forgot to put it back up. Now Addisyn had it and the lead was flattened. She was trying to get me to sharpen it so she could finish her picture.....ON MY WALL! Bold....very bold!


Emma drops Bella on head while Bella is in bouncer.


I had to break up a 'Ketchup Fork War'.


After an extended time out and Mom having a mini melt down I called Daddy to get him to tell them they need to behave. For some reason they listen to him better than me. When he asked Emma why she was being so bad today her response was (no lie) "The devil wants me to do bad things, he made me do it". I'm retiring early!


Addisyn runs out where I am TRYING so hard to get laundry folded, totally nude at the same time as I hear the toilet flush.  Emma is using the big potty now so Addi wants to too, but Addisyn doesn't realize that you put the diapers in the garbage NOT THE TOILET!

November lies ahead.

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